The soon to be legendary NSGUITAR studio thread.

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Who would say its not him playing? Anyone with eyes can see that its him.

Im glad that being really good at something completely erases all the bullshit someone does.
I can finally go out and murder 40 people and not feel bad about it and say "hey, but im really good at jerking off. Im a world class whacker. I can also High-five like a monster". Just MAYBE that will get me off the hook.
Thanks for the inspiration!

Oh just shut the fuck up already.
Ok last one cause I just thought of it and it was too funny (to me) :D


Other than that, kudos on your playing NS, I wish I could play like that:worship:

guru's buyin!

Fuck that shit. Unlike most of you fucks I bought my Waves plugins

I mean seriously its no secret that 90% of the forum uses cracked plugins. We dont condone it as a group. The only people I tell to prove that they bought it are the guys doing really shit productions and say they bought it.

For me, I got a deal a few years ago on it. i paid $1600 for the entire bundle which was a fucking steal, I sold 5 guitars and a JCM900 to buy it. I still think it was a mistake. At the time I bought it I thought it was going to be the Be all / End all of my Mixes. Nowadays I find a ton of freeware that does just as good of a job on some things.

I totally wish I hadn't bought it till NOW, being that I have a better understanding of the recording and producing process.
Good thing you guys stopped, this got pretty old already.

Thanks for the fun read nevertheless :)

I'm 100% legit as well, but fuck do I know people with cracked plugins. LEGIONS OF THEM
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