The electronic music thread

Chromatose said:
I can't believe no one has said Shpongle yet

shpongle >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FSOL
o rly. i've never heard of them before but if you say they are better than FSOL i must.... no, that can't be possible. :dopey:

well okay, i'd like to hear them anyhow. but FSOL are like, one of my all time favorites no matter which genre ye speake ofe.
anyone heard of some fucks called Holy Fuck from Toronto? i readed about them in some paper, about how they use kid's toy instruments and crazy looping shit to make crazy effects that sound good or something

but like...what do i know about that kind of thing>?
"Lifeforms" is fucking sweet... it's very lush sounding, unlike the coldness I expected. Awesome.
I don't think most of CMI's stuff suits the nature of this thread

but since you brought it up, the new Atrium Carceri is really good. first-rate.