Plz check out this MIX & give suggestions


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Jun 12, 2009
Hi frnds,

This is Ritz from India. I am new to this forum....I hope this is the proper place to start this thread.

I want u 2 check this out god is burning.mp3

this is a mix which I have done recently. This is my 1st project & I want u to listen to it & give me suggestions. I am not so resourceful....I dont have proper equipments to create a very good mix ( pc with 1 gb ram, a cheap creative soundcard, Ibanez RG guitar, digitech GNX 3 processor ) but I want to take out the most from them. So I want u to help me with this mix.

The drums are obviously sequenced & I used the Drumkit From Hell plugin in Cubase.

Suggestions will be very much appreciated.


First of all, welcome. 2nd, nothing wrong with ya gear, (maybe ditch the pc for a mac!). LOL.

I am a little confused after listening, is this a full song or just random riffage repeated a few times here and there. I ask this because I am hearing way to many breaks between riffs. Liking the grind stuff, as for the rest, well, the only way I can describe it is ..... well ...... weird, in a good way though. IMHO, if it was structured better, it would double my enthusiam for the song. Can a couple of the less interesting riffs and bring the edgier stuff back in more often to keep us listeners in the song.

As for production, I am not the bloke to ask, as I am new to that world, so best of luck with it, hang around here and you will learn, takes time though.
Thanx for ur reply....

The track which I have posted is a full song. The band use random breaks in their songs...thats their style mayb......dont wanna comment about that...

I just wanna get suggestions regarding the mix

thank u

Guitars sound weird. Did you just copy them and delay one a little bit then pan one right and one left? Try to record two takes playing the same thing instead.