Plz help me :(


...City of the Moon...
Feb 16, 2005
I am finding the tab of the song "Weakness" from the "Damnation" record. I enter so many sites but I can't find out it. Every site gives me the same result: "there is no "Weakness" tab" :yell: .

Plz help me to find out this tab or... if U have one by Ur self, and U think it's alright... send me. I am using Guitar Pro 4, if U have *.gp* type, it's really incredible!

I wanna give this song to the girl whom I love, and I have promised her. So Plz help me, Plz help me!

By the way, I come from Viet Nam, so I'm so afraid of my bad English. Plz don't care about it, rite? :grin: .

Thx for reading this thread, and Thx for thousands times if U can help me. :rock:
The reason why there are no tabs is because the song only has one guitar part, and it's fairly simple. Just sit down with your guitar and the CD and figure it out.

But also dude, um....have you read the lyrics? This really isn't the song you'd want to sing to impress a girl...I mean, check out this last verse:

Weaker now, drawing fluid from me
You kill me
I'm not afraid of what you have just done
But of what you've just become
yeah i suppose he was looking for an adaptation for guitar, in which case he might as well sit down and figure it out himself...^nice, another lovecraft afficionado?

Results for "weakness" (search took 2.356 sec.)

No tabs were found for your query.
Try changing some of the words.

So I think I can figure the Guitar's part out. Thx for Weeping Moon's help.

But now the main prob is I can't find out the Keyboard's part, the Mellotron is really hard to find in Viet Nam, It was popular 20 years ago, but now, how can I find one ?


Anyway, Thx for all of Ur help.

If U've got another tab, send me. Thx for help.