Pod Farm for 40

I believe it comes with a free upgrade to POD farm 2 and a $150 upgrade to platinum, so it's essentially platinum for 190. Don't quote me on that, do your own research but I'm pretty sure. I got it from audiomidi a week or so ago and it worked for me.
haha, I have no idea. Very convoluted upgrade process. Anyway I can say I actually dig POD farm platinum quite a bit for overdubs scratch tracks etc. Definitely worth 190 for me.
I think I may do this... is it really that much worse than revalver? It seems like there is a 50/50 split consensus here...

Try the Revalver demo. Back when I was in the same situation, I did that and noticed that it didn't suit me at all.
The non-platinum version is also very good. Some of the good stuff:

Bass: Ampeg SVT and Eden Traveller WT-300.
FX: TS, BDDI, Ratt, LA2A and great selection of general fx (chorus, flanger, phaser, delay, reverb, etc)
HiGain Guitar: L6 Spinal Puppet, L6 Treadplate and Mesa Dual Rectifier.
Clean Guitar: L6 Piezacoustic 2, Vox AC-30 and Roland JC-120.
Vocals: Neve 1073

To be honest, the only things that I would miss if I didn´t had the platinum are:

L6 Stereo Delay
L6 Ping Pong Delay
Roland RE-101 Space Echo
L6 Sub Dub
L6 Purge
L6 Big Bottom
Bogner Uberschall
Mesa Triple Rectifier

All the rest is there just to fill.
I mainly use it for the Vocal Pres which dont come with this version, but the Recto (Treadplate) is a really good sim. I also love the Ampeg SVT just those alone are worth the $40

Just noticed it does have the Neve Vox Pre .. wow definitely worth $40
If this thing was a download instead of boxed product (or even just an ilok code - i have the demo installer which is the full product ), I'd jump on it.