POD help, please!

Rex Rocker

Call me Hugo!
Dec 21, 2007
I'm having horrible latency issues right now which I've never had in the past. NEVER!

Whenever I record both the processed or the dry signal from the POD, I have no latency issues whatsoever. It records as always. But whenever I hit 'send re-amp playback', I get HORRIBLE latency issues, which I'm 100% certain I did not have in the past. Any idea what could be wrong? is this happening to anyone else?

It's a POD Xt and it's plugged in via USB. Like I said, this has never happened before. My drivers are up-to-date, and I just opened Line 6 Monkey and says I'm not up to date with POD Farm, but I don't think that could be the issue, is it?

Well... I tried re-installing the drivers version 4.1.0 (the current one), did not solve the problem.

I had to download version 3.9.9 off their site and install that. It solved the problem. Does this mean the 4.1.0 driver is faulty?
Well... I tried re-installing the drivers version 4.1.0 (the current one), did not solve the problem.

I had to download version 3.9.9 off their site and install that. It solved the problem. Does this mean the 4.1.0 driver is faulty?

I also got a problem with a new driver, a fucking terrible latency when even just playback some music from Cubase!!! I was headache and worried so much! After rollbacking driver, my pod works perfectly as usual.

But I also have a question about my pod, don't know who also got that problem like me.

1. When I play by the PODxt Live, it sometime changes drive setting automatically! @@ I don't know why but that's very terrible in Live Situation! +_+_+_+_+ I re-install firmware, nothing has changed! :|

2. If I play the pod over about 30 minutes or 1 hours, It sometimes sounds extremely fuzzy suddenly!!! +_+_++_+ Like you use metalized effect with fucking extreme settings! It can occur with just one part of signal chain (ex: Delay or preamp). After restarting, It works normally! :| I don't know why +_+_+_+

Please help me! Too much money for me to buy a new X3 :-< Noone want to buy such an error POD from me. For studio, it's ok. But for live situation, it's not reliable!
Pls help me! Thank you guys! @_@
so you installed an older driver as well? I highly suspect there's some bugs with the new drivers... I'm reading the Line 6 forum, and there are several people who all seem to have different problems with the 4.1.0 drivers.
check the drivers carefully...the line6 driver is very persistent, sometimes it rolls back to the one you had, you might have to remove it from the add/remove panel

this is why i never apply driver updates or those MS service packs till a month after or so...some shit always happens