pod story: http://www.av1611.org/crock/pod_dark.html

wow!!!!!!!! those are some pissed off bible-masterbating people...i almost forgot it was about p.o.d.(pile of dung!!) and not an anti-manson thing....sheez bitter people......
Jesus Christ...blah,blah,blah...blasphemus...blah,blah,blah.... I bet that if there were a lot less Christians trying to shove religion down everyone's throat, there would be a lot less people oppsed to them. For once I wish they get off their little "God Pedastool" and see what the hell is going on around them.
Thanks for the good laugh!

Iron Maiden, one of the most satanic rock bands? LOL!! In that case, Nevermore is high priest material. Where these dinks come up with their messages is simply an enigma.

Also, I've never, EVER seen that silly ass symbol in regards to Maiden. I also like how they cut and paste Sabbath lyrics for NIB to fit their own uses, not unlike the Christian legions. I honestly feel for those that buy into that crap. I'm no great supporter of Marilyn Manson (I think he's all bullshit), but he does get out a message, albeit a strictly "shock" message.

As an agnostic, I question the existence of "god"; therefore, I question the existence of a satan. Still, the real oppressor is the church, plain and simple.

And as for the Ozzfest being the "soundtrack for Hell," haven't they heard anything by Venom 1980-82? Nothing on that crappy bill could even come close to that, not to mention Burzum or Dissection.

Just my nickel's worth.
quote by pratal:EVER seen that silly ass symbol in regards to Maiden?

Your a silly silly man....
Its there, open your eyes. You see its like the shit that NEVESMORE drills into your synapse.
Don't worry by the age of 17 I was adapt to read in RUNIC, THEBAN, HEBREW, PASFING, MALCHIM, AND CELESTIAL.


READ MY MAN...that article was written by a grotto master...charming hey, it has nothing to do with CHRISTIANS fool. Read the bold bits and nothing else.

LISTEN TO the new BOLTTHROWER, what are they saying SATAN RULEZ???
tell me I need to know to sleep at NIGHT.

quote article: You couldn’t find the gospel of Jesus Christ in P.O.D.’s songs, if you listened for a hundred years!


And they even admit it’s not there!

hahaaha, good night.


That's great.
does anybody know what the fuck this arthur lyons is talking about? because i cant tell what his point is between all of the bold and the crazy ramblings.
I have no idea what the fuck he was talking about but, FUCK HIM! I even had a friend of mine admit to me tonight that she is Christian only because she's scared of what happens when you die if you don't believe. She pretty much summed up the root feelings that most religous people MUST have. Fuck Arthur Lyons, and fuck religion.
Originally posted by neal
does anybody know what the fuck this arthur lyons is talking about? because i cant tell what his point is between all of the bold and the crazy ramblings.

Nietchze once said, "Poets are people that muddy their waters to make them appear deep." This guy is dong just that.

I will correct myself, though. That symbol is on every Maiden LP; it's the little hidden symbol on each cover that they make you find if you're bored enough, so I was remiss on that.

But the guy didn't bank on me (us) knowing and employing a lot of the words he used. That dictonary of his is getting some use...fundamentalists suck!
Originally posted by Sadistik
I have no idea what the fuck he was talking about but, FUCK HIM! I even had a friend of mine admit to me tonight that she is Christian only because she's scared of what happens when you die if you don't believe. She pretty much summed up the root feelings that most religous people MUST have. Fuck Arthur Lyons, and fuck religion.

Submission through fear = Christianity, the real oppressor.

My ex-girlfriend was like that, and I just felt sorry for her for being so goddamned blind! Oh well...my strength comes from within, and if people wish to be sheep, let them flow in a sea of white.

It's better to die on one's feet than to live on one's knees!
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I find it hard to belive that that was not a joke. Can people be that... that.... there is no word to discribe their ignorance. I honestly do not view religious people as actuall humans. I'm sorry. They are just shells. I loath organized religion. People denounce science, PROVEN FACTS like evolution, for some stupid belife forced on them from childhood just becasue they are to stuborn to admit they were allways wrong. I would have thought the human race would be past dancing around totem poles and chanting in front of fires by now. I guess I was wrong. If these people don't wake the fuck up the damn chimps will be running the show in a few thousand years. What good is evolution when we refuse to let go of our mistakes of the past when CORRECTING OUR MISTAKES IS THE WHOLE POINT OF PHILISOPHICAL EVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
FUCK YOUR GOD, your Lord, and your Christ.

Thank you, William Maynard, I like that song. :)
you're right when you say that evolution is 'just' a theory, but how else can it be? it is a theory that i think is right (just my humble opion though...)
It is not really 'proven' no, but on the other hand it is:

for instance:
*there are skeletons found from several sorts that show an
increasing degree of complexibility

* when you look at the development of egg to embryo to foetus to fully-grown child, you can see it go through all kinds of phases that are comparable to the different classes of the animal kingdom (again,with an increasing degree of complexibility)


there are many arguments like the two i gave here but i'm not gonna bore you with them since you're probably not interested in them anyway

but can you prove me that evolution is NOT a fact?
just to say this post was mine,i see i mispelled my user name
anyone can help me?
i'm registered as Li'l Witch
but when i post (like above) it says i'm a guest and my username is Li/'l Witch....
and my signature is not added to the post
Argh...I'm not gonna argue evolution with you. I personally don't disbelieve or believe it, I'm waiting for more data. There is evidence of evolution, but not enough to overcome the "theory" status and make it a "law". I just thought it was funny that it was stated as a "proven fact" when it is not (otherwise it would be The Law of Evolution). I didn't intend to say that I could prove it to be false, nor did I intend to say that people who believe in it are stupid. Please don't assume that I meant things that I didn't say.
Originally posted by jimbobhickville
Please don't assume that I meant things that I didn't say.

Don't worry, I do not. And I didn't mean to offend you in any way.

But I saw you're from usa, and I heard that it is forbidden to teach about evolution over there at university and so... Or did I get that wrong?
I think in Europe most scientists agree with the evoluthion theory, and I (in Belgium) had it as a part of my Biology course last year (I am now in the second year of Biomedical Sciences at university)
