POD Studio GX with soundcard


New Metal Member
Aug 3, 2010
hello, i have a question for you guys.

so right now i have an m-audio fast track pro soundcard. so i want to have pod farm 2. if i buy a POD Studio GX will i get pod farm 2 with it? can i use my main soundcard, and the pod only such as an ilok key? will i be able to get pod farm's updates? what do you think?

thank you ;)
hello, i have a question for you guys.

so right now i have an m-audio fast track pro soundcard. so i want to have pod farm 2. if i buy a POD Studio GX will i get pod farm 2 with it?

- I'm fairly positive that yes podfarm 2 will come with the GX if you buy the GX new.

can i use my main soundcard, and the pod only such as an ilok key?

- As long as you run podfarm as a plugin, yes. If you want to run it stand alone then no you can't.

will i be able to get pod farm's updates?

- Not sure what you mean, but all updates are handled via a software program called line 6 monkey. It's easy to see what updates are available or to purchase.

what do you think?

- I think you should just buy an ilok and podfarm 2 (preferably platinum) and be done with it. The amount of amps that come stock with the pod studio stuff is not really all that many.
thank you jipchen. but can i use it (PodFarm from AudioMIDI) without any line 6 device? i don't think so :(

- As long as you run podfarm as a plugin, yes. If you want to run it stand alone then no you can't.

I want to run it with reaper (so vst).

My soundcard will be chosen as the Fast Track Pro.
So pod farm will work (+monitoring). Yeah?
If I can use GX as plugin and my Fast Track Pro as main soundcard on reaper then I prefer this.
Yeah, Loren said it.
If I can use GX as plugin and my Fast Track Pro as main soundcard on reaper then I prefer this.
Btw the "GX" is the hardware, "Pod Farm" is the plugin ;)

I basically wanted to the same as you: Use my interface and at the same time run PODfarm (I had a Toneport GX).
But it didn't work so I had to buy the plugin for the iLok. Advantage: You can use as many instances of PODfarm you want, with every soundcard you want.
Even on any pc/mac (as long as you download it and have your iLok with you) :lol:
And, the biggest advantage over a hardware pod: You can easily record the raw track (but use the podfarm for monitoring purposes) and when you're finished you can listen to the different amps and settings.
actually now i have a pod xt which i will sell and have pod farm 2 on my computer. wtf?
how i got it? will it work only with the ilok? can i install it on another pc without the pod xt?
if you have PODfarm now and an xt, chances are the xt is your dongle...Without it, PODfarm won't work. And, you cannot switch PODfarm from using Line6 hardware as your dongle to ilok. It's either one or the other.

If you are wanting just PODfarm and you have it now with your xt, why sell anything, or buy anything? it sounds like you already have what you want (well, aside from just upgrading the PODfarm to 2) ?
actually now i have a pod xt which i will sell and have pod farm 2 on my computer. wtf?
how i got it? will it work only with the ilok? can i install it on another pc without the pod xt?

Most probably not. The Line6 hardware functions as a "dongle", if you plug out the Pod xt / gearbox / studio gx / whatever", the plugin will stop working.

(too late :bah: :grin: )
if you have PODfarm now and an xt, chances are the xt is your dongle...Without it, PODfarm won't work. And, you cannot switch PODfarm from using Line6 hardware as your dongle to ilok. It's either one or the other.

If you are wanting just PODfarm and you have it now with your xt, why sell anything, or buy anything? it sounds like you already have what you want (well, aside from just upgrading the PODfarm to 2) ?

I must buy a license for my pod xt live to get pod farm running.


F.U. Line6 :(