Pod X3 Pro sync issues


Feb 9, 2009
Tatooine (aka Milton Keynes)
Has anyone had success locking to an external clock source with the pod x3 pro? Whenever I try to lock on my soundcards clock by selecting match digital in on the pod, the red clip indicator starts flashing.
Anyone have an idea, or managed to do this? I am sure I'm not the only one who is trying to record the pod through s/pdif.
I know it may not sound quite as good, but setting the Pod as the master clock and the interface as the slave should solve this, at least until you figure out what the problem is
Yeah, I was recommended the same thing by Line6 support. Meanwhile I figured out what the problem was. There is nothing wrong with the setup and slaving the pod to the soundcard or any external source is perfectly possible. The clipping was caused by some cunt at Line6 who decided to set up every single factory preset with Variax as input source:Puke:
So I have to go through every single preset and edit it so guitar is the input source if I want to connect digitally and avoid clipping. Awesome