PODx3L Test


New Metal Member
Apr 3, 2007
Hey, Ive just done a very small test on my Pod x3Live... Im as noob as they come.


Patches are a Big Bottom L and R at 74%
and the Treadplate L and R at 100%
only double tracked

Excuse the terrible EZdrummer in the background.

All i did was change the volume and the panning of the guitars no other mixing
Any feedback (apart from a better place to upload) let me know.

PS i know it needs alot of mixing because i have done like non, i just wana hear some suggestions. oh and another point to make, i dont have monitors or ear phones, i have a Sony Stereo... which makes anything sound good So excuse me if its the worst thing ever.
tone sounds pretty good. if you turn off the cab simulation, and use impulses on the computer, you can get a better sound...
Yeah i have Revalver and a very wide selection of Impulses. So i think i will use them tonight.
and stick up another