First Song Post (PODX3L, AD)


New Metal Member
Apr 28, 2009
Hello all, this is my first post so take it easy ;)

This song is something I put down last night and am looking for mix suggestions.

More specifically I'm looking for input involving the drums. I'm using Addictive Drums and have been working on the bass eq to get some decent thump. What do you think? Try to ignore the repeating hi hat, I have yet to finish the drum part.

The guitars are quad tracked through my pod x3 live using a couple different settings. 2 of the tracks are MILDLY scooped on the mids (in DAW) to keep the low end crunch, but I tried to stay away from overdoing it.

Excuse the cheesy orchestra at the end, I'm still using Edirol Orchestral. If anybody has some suggestions on a reasonable orchestra VST I'd love to hear them.

There are many errors in the bassline, but is it cutting through well enough? Or are the guitars muddying it up?

Thanks for the input! I've learned alot from my short time being here. :grin:
Song: Anti-Perfunctory

.. Seriously, its waaaaay to compressed.
The guitars are good.. I THINK, but the compression fucks up the sound so much that everything just feels loose and flappy.
I appreciate your response.

I don't really understand what you mean about compression though. Does that relate to the level of distortion or something? Or does it have to do with dynamics? I hear what you are saying about it feeling loose and floppy, but I don't know how to correct it (aside from playing it cleaner).

Please explain what you mean a little more. I will read up on compression. Thanks.
Over Compression - listen to what happens to the mix when the kick drum sounds. Everything sort of "Pumps". That makes everything sound sort of wavy, and makes your overheads cut in and out.
Again thanks for the replies. RyanUsesThis, your description clears things up for me.

Now my question is, what is the best way to deal with this? Is this where parallel compression would fit in? Or do I just lower the volume of the kick drum?