
I hunger for perfection in this garden of decay
I whisper words of dream and doubt that live, then waste away

I have a name that you don't know
that you will never speak
yet from its sounds, it's gaping holes
do hints of answers leak

and all your words and every kiss,
all the hungers of your heart
hold not a wing aloft to fly
but tear them all apart

yet our desires' ecstasies
unburdened by regret
leave us as walking wounded
with our tears still warm and wet

and all these tenders steps we take
one after another
lead us not closer to that myth
but further from each other

love's but a dream,
an idle theme
from some opera of the damned
and knows not flesh
nor heaving breast
nor what our thighs demand

with every touch, with every hug
with every careful stroke
in every flick of tongue on tongue
this I in me awoke

I fall in kisses, fall with worms
fall from a grace, my own
and lie and cheat and speak untrue
as if her love I'd never known...

felt resurrecting this one ;) I enjoyed it too much to just let it rest in peace....

so here's some bad poetry, from some bad poet ;)
Well I'd like to save this thread... so here's my latest work... I'm sorry it is in french... but it is really good I think...

L'effet papillon

de l'azur s'échappe une goutte d'eau
que l'on aurait jamais cru bon de baptiser
elle s'infiltre tendrement sous notre peau
se déchargeant tous les maux qu'elle peut transporter

cette goutte de pluie tomba par hasard
lors d'un brumeux soir d'automne
sur une feuille jonchant le trottoir
jouant le jeu du destin d'un hommes

les nervures se cambrèrent
et la feuille tressailli
déplaça une infime parcelle d'air
pour se retrouver seule contre lui

lui qui marchait, traînant des pieds
glissant sur la feuille, il tombe
écrivant ses chiffres sur les dés
de la destinée du monde

les témoins respirent les graines
et recrachent des millions de branches
leurs racines bourgeonnent, créent des veines
rendez-vous infectés et ténèbres blanches

les perles de mes deux yeux drogués
dansent comme des flammes naissantes
labyrinthes sans issues et sorties déplacées
la force de la chaîne est si puissante

un précipité clignement de gêne
million de vies a venir nous habiter
ne seront jamais les mêmes
comme elle ne l'ont jamais été

d'un tel effet papillon
jamais elle ne s'aurait crue responsable
sombres paroles encrées par millions
elle se demande comment panser l'impensable

and then there's another one...

Noir et blanc tourment

Dame immortalitée m'a désignée disciple
ce qui distingue le chef d'oeuvre d'une ébauche
l'indiscible choix entre la droite et la gauche
passe ton chemin ou termine ton périple

alors que le mensonge de ma vie se dresse
le noir et le blanc, le blanc et le noir, amants
copulent, jonglent et s'empiffrent de mes tourments
décadence et traîtrise en ce pays de l'ivresse

sentiments, masquerades instables qui tanguent
mes fondations terrestres s'ennuient sous ma langue
l'esquif de la honte heurte ma vie qui chavire

mes deux lèvres closes explulsent un baiser d'adieu
à l'écume des songes qui me hantent, à dieu
ce teint cadavérique me va à ravir

I don't think it matters if it's in french or other languages, some ppl will understand, and sharing is beautiful even like this :)

Siren (who would never dare to post her greek writings no matter what she says :err: )
Gosh, i don't have them with me anymore... :(
I'll try to search to find something anyway... but they're really lame :D
Hmmm ok, this i found in the only notes i have near me. It's really undone, cause everything i write captures the moment and it's really hard for me to go back:

To skotadi.
Me tromazei, alla kai me gohteuei.
Ena fws anabei sto skotadi,
kai oi skepseis mou pairnoun morfh.
*blush* :)

well, as i said i don't have most of my crappy work near me, but maybe i'll write something soon and post it :)
i find some things very, very disgusting. tender nicknames ending in "oula" definitely pertain to this cathegory of things.

hyena (manowar jut crashed my winamp - pretty predictable!)
I made this up earlier today.

Touch me soft
and love me deep
Caress my skin
and cease the bleed
Stop the pain that's killing my soul
and grant me the will to live one day more.

Siren (in slow motion)

PS: what a nice notepad UM is :p

Edit: 200th post of this thread :)
This one of my poem/lyrics-things I wrote it a couple of weeks ago:

Rayless Sun

A giant building of Dutch tile white as chalk
Through gates of numb I silently walk
What does this tranquil monument conceal?
Everything built in symmetrical ideal

A window frames a pale grey face
Torn, worn-out but still filled with grace
A sun without its rays was set ablaze
Her face slowly faded 'neath clouds of haze

The weary path eroding each and every day
Brown grass softly swaying ‘n sync with the trees
The leaves of the trees screaming with dismay
The haunting silence makes time freeze

…And for a second all is still
Silence surrounds me

Door unlocked – sudden chock
Beasts from within – built upon sin
Slowly imploding – maps are eroding
Inevitable but yet so destructive
Surrealistic creatures – horrifying features
Grasping my eyes – thousands of mice

…And for a second all is still
Silence surrounds me
Contrasts drawn to the extreme
On the closed door I softly lean…

I cry and writhe in sorrow ‘cause I now know
The past will keep on repeating…always slow
Until the building will fall apart like we never did
“My fault” I screamed and kissed your eyelids

The words that will forever ricochet in the monument
And make me walk down the path of my scared sentiment

Again and again
No one can grant me an end.