

Edenspring Wayfarer
Dec 8, 2001
The Dreaming
I don't know if someone already posted such a thread, and maybe this isn't exactly the right place to start it... I hope you'll forgive me if I'm doing something that's unproper.

Does someone among you like to write poems? Would you like to post some in this thread?

Since I started the tread, I start posting mine (so you'll see how poor I am at writing poems and you won't eventually feel ashamed to post yours :p...):

Nothing moves anymore
spiders rest in silken dreams
the clockwork sound of time
has never been so dulcet
Night's silence cradles me
into the bliss of emptiness
Cool, not bad at all. If at all I write poetry, Im always very inspired by Jim Morrison, a legend. Anyway, this poem I just wrote like 2 days ago at about midnight because it was due the next day and damnit I like putting things off! hehe.

-Eyes Opened-

Heavens falling from skyward chaos
Men’s feet patter with life and hope
Lifted from anarchists
They see the truth of untold stories
And the wreckage that underlies
Mankind’s fallibility
i tried writing several times, and am still trying, but the only decent text (used as lyrics in one of my songs) is this one:

Vicious Circle

Staring at the empty skies
I see myself drifting helpless through the void
Without control, going always faster
Without control, going always further

Sickness begins to wrench my stomach
While I try to escape my own shadows
At last I reach my long lost goal
I found the gates to amnesia...

The cancer seems to burn away
Everything that is left in my brain
Always gnawing always biting
Cannot stand this endless pain

** I kick the accellerator down to the end
** To be able to reach a better land
** A land where no pain will ever be
** And where my thoughts keep running free

The trees arise in the dark
The key to my salvation?
At last I will shake it off
This inhorrent domination


Yes my death will be the key
But I see light where darkness should be
Released from the womb of another mother
To rejoun life in the body of another
All my struggle is in vain
Once more... I join the endless game

Yes my death will be the key
But I see light where darkness should be
Yes my death will be the key
But I see light where darkness should be


after reading it once again it appears very crappy... al these rhymes... every time i write lyrics i write rhymes.. argh.
Thanks, Final Vision!

This one is slightly insane, but it was a moody night.

Hangin' on the ceiling, rusty, dusty dampness,
O old wise empty headed spectacled man
the oil lamp sends you smoke to breathe.
You gave your heart to the wrong breeze
and It became a scorching merciless wind
and it took away the clouds of your bliss,
O old wise empty hearted bald-headed man.
Now flakes of dry plaster ornament your scalp.
Your necktie's too tight, I know, oh my friend
though not tighter than the lump in your throat,
O old wise once living now hanging young man.
You're motionless, like a puppet, you know?
But your skin is still warm, and your gaze is still sad.
Moths dance a dance of wishful goodbyes
for the once loving and brittle dreaming man.

A World In Shadows

Overwhelmed by faiths creation
Marvelous! Entomb your fears!
a world of beuty, clad in shadows
Wonderfull? It feels unreal!

Darkness fills my world in silence,
misantrophic joy for one
the beuty of a world in shadows...
Reality? Forever gone...

my contribution to a great (to be?) thread.

I Stand

I stand, in the deep place
that no one can reach
where life comes to die
where i am not, still

Think nothing, do nothing
Step aside, One more time
As you realize this at last
When my last breath has died

Infinite torture, forever in pain
Words mean nothing, nor would they ever will
Strikes again, apears from nowhere
No one know, this is myself
No one See, this is my mind
Why can you see
why cant you hate Me

It takes all that is left
Consumes my hope, destroys myself
Eating my light, devours the heart
Within a minute, leaves me behind

And then I stand Ready to Die

Because i can never win
Because i can never hide
It just fogs my mind
Until the minutes pass
I tried to run away
I tried to face it again
And again it overtakes
And again i cry
There was something left to try
There was a way, a life
Then it blows in my face
And my path its far away
Should i even stand up?
Should i even care for myself?
If i cannot hold to this
i wonder if this is when

It Ends

The last battle lost
The last hope dead
Where I stop caring
Where I stand...

Until The end...
Yer might consider this being a bit experimental or abstract - yer might even ask what I meant by writing this, my answer is: I do not know. I t was just some lyrical improvisation, just all that rubbish my subconscious I was throwing up again...

In a solar night I pray for clouds
To let the rain go down and shadow
The quiet earth - I sit and watch
The sea for she could drown herself tomorrow

I stand extinct the candles are
burning up the things within
my temple`s lying desecrated
My tears are torn my dreams forlorn

The pitisome who face the moon
To walk in solemn silent light
Who pass around the cup of doom
To drink and taste eternal night
le jardin des papillions

it’s narrow and dark
but the placelessness is freedom
the sun will never reach this place
they´re breeding

place enough for roaming endlessly
no sound perceivable, but movements of air
a glimpse betrays the brilliance of their wings

fathomless innermost
there’s none the deeper
none the darker

they’re breeding in doubt
and they have started moving upwards

another glimpse
a(nother) flickering
far beyond control or reason
they feed, they grow, they breed
strengthening and ever growing

i wonder when they will burst out into their freedom
it won't be long i guess

Even if I wanted to stop them
I could not do this anymore
and I won‘t
Out of body out of sight

soon they will come out and wreathe me
and by a sign, one single shivering of eyelids,
they will go off
and among the ruins I will stand, still wondering
if it was right to have let them go...

The wrath does overcome
Explode explode explode

err, yes. nice thread. nice, nice...
The lyrics of my music are the actual poems for me. So, here are one good to all we were talkin' about in our thread about feelings, this is a poem 'bout dancing with angels, a great encouraging song by Fair Warning in their album "Go!".

Cold as steel - darkness calls
Forlorn is your heart
The way you feel - wasted love
Just tears you apart

Remember the dreams that you had
When life was still kind
Now see and do never look back
And love you will find

Hope is gone and you believe
That you can't go on
Be good to yourself

Come dance with the angels of Heaven
Just reach out your hand
There's a new promised land
May forgiveness be strong!

(Fair Warning .- "Angels of Heaven" from Go! album. I can't express with words the feelings and courage that song makes me feel)
Arghh! I posted a message with a big mistake!!! "So, here IS one..." :pPP I must to improve my english NOW! Well, the last post is dedicated to all these ppl who collaborated in the thread 'bout feelings and dreams, you know who you are. Thank ya!
wow, I know laugh at my poem compared to all of yours, :lol: for some reason I just like the abstract 5 line poems, just my opinion. If those are all original (im sure they are all), you guys are good, "real" metal heads have the wierd 6th sense for poetic nature eh? :lol:
i agree. quite impressive what you all wrote - i wish i could merge my feelings and thoughts into words like that.
People, let me tell you one thing: you're all poets! Really, I enjoyed reading all of your poems, and I must say that I'm impressed.
Well, Let's go on with the puropose of this thread ;).
This one is inspired by a splendid song by Tricky, Black Coffee, from the album Nearly God.

I'm sitting down on the floor
Under the corridor's neonlight
That makes even red look cold
Bedraggled fragments of time
Rags of the matter of dreams
Things that never were, never are
I thought I could protect her
I thought I could claim her love
But a close fist holds nothing
Nothing, but the pain I feel now
A heart turned unthawed
I was blinded by my unworthiness
A shame this cold light shows
and makes pleasant to see.
my closed fist holds all the emptiness
all desires all the needs
a shining carnival of nothingness
a vacuum
forbidding me to open
to stretch them fingers wide
to make them touch
to make them help

and so i smash

inspired by the last one up there.
Perilous is the fate the binds us
Searching for truth unknown to most life
Falling through past and present you float above
Transcendence reaches your golden mind
You are now in bliss and eternal

ehmmmm once I wrote some passages for my own, now they're lost (thanxgod!!!) and I surely won't try again, I preferred much more writing lyrics when I was at some random band in my town.
But to the ones that have some kind of access to Spanish authors...just check Pablo Salinas' La voz a ti de debida (the voice debt to you) which is the one and only poem that has a meaning in my whole goddamned life!!!!
"Dios me concedió el valor de cambiar aquéllo que no puedo aceptar, de aceptar aquello que no puedo cambiar, y la sabiduría para distinguir la diferencia"

Rudyard Kipling

I saw this phrase painted in a wall some years ago, and I found it again in a book by Rudyard Kipling. I let ya to give the english translation, or FatherVic could translate it (ok, ok, I'll do it if nobody wants to). I think it's a good game, isn't it?
Originally posted by |ngenius
"Dios me concedió el valor de cambiar aquéllo que no puedo aceptar, de aceptar aquello que no puedo cambiar, y la sabiduría para distinguir la diferencia"

ehmmm something like this???
"God gave me the courage to change facts that I cannot accept, to accept facts that I cannot change, and the wisdom to distinguish the difference"

a nice one :)