I am a poet!!! Not! 
we need such a poetry thread as this. I suspect there already is
a poetry thread on this board, but not like this one.. this is the
music/VS 'poems' thread!
Now give it your worst shot and make some stuff. This is fun.
Ok, I'll set the standard!
I clearly remember my metal past
and it reminds me time sure moves fast:
Damn that Steve D
he plays bass better than me
But way back in 1992
I was like "Steve who?"
But then in '93
I was watchhing MTV
Headbangers Ball
as far as I recall
This I will never regret
as they played a video by Death
The basslines were ALL that
I had to take off my hat
1999 was the first time I laid ears
on Vintersorg: Hails & cheers!
Praised by Nørsterud in Scream Magazine
yeah, Bjørn wasn't exactly mean!
And now I'm awaiting the hear
what might be the album of the year
Is it a lethal combination of power
or will I be in for a cold shower??

we need such a poetry thread as this. I suspect there already is
a poetry thread on this board, but not like this one.. this is the
music/VS 'poems' thread!
Now give it your worst shot and make some stuff. This is fun.
Ok, I'll set the standard!

I clearly remember my metal past
and it reminds me time sure moves fast:
Damn that Steve D
he plays bass better than me
But way back in 1992
I was like "Steve who?"
But then in '93
I was watchhing MTV
Headbangers Ball
as far as I recall
This I will never regret
as they played a video by Death

The basslines were ALL that
I had to take off my hat
1999 was the first time I laid ears
on Vintersorg: Hails & cheers!

Praised by Nørsterud in Scream Magazine
yeah, Bjørn wasn't exactly mean!
And now I'm awaiting the hear
what might be the album of the year
Is it a lethal combination of power
or will I be in for a cold shower??