
Originally posted by terria


You didnt even notice
Did you?
It doesn’t matter
Cause you don’t understand

With every day and every taken breath
I‘ll bow my back for you
Bending it until it breaks
it simply doesn’t matter

For every sunbeam i receive
I want to thank you with another day
Another week
Another life

But with every lie
With every smile i cannot see
With every neglecting me
With every little pain
I want to leave you dying
I want to see you starve
Until you recognize me again

It doesn‘t matter
And it never will
This fire never scorched you
So you can’t understand

Get gone

Sentient II

If your ignorance is my pain,
then what will compose my smiles, perchance?
I'm no slave to your will, or your whimsies,
I've tried to understand your directions,
I've tired of your aroma,
your smell of contentments
spritzed around like peppermint candy.

that day you listened to me,
that day you unbosomed a sentence of reflection,
I thought I heard your heart beating.
I thought I saw a sunset gleam like yesterday,
dreaming that I lived for a moment,
washing away like a sea
kissed by a thousand quiet ripples.

Your victim,
I didn't know that you were suffering as I,
that you labored as I did,
that you cried at nights,
wiped away your tears before anyone saw them,
that you gazed upon the distant stars
with the same hushed jealousies,
whispers of time wisping away.
I want to share with you all what I'm studying for this next exam.
These two hokku are by Matsuo Bashou (1644-1694), the most famous master of this genre.

natsukusa ya
tsuwamono domo ga
yume no ato

The summer grasses-
For many brave warriors
The aftermath of dreams

te ni toraba kien
namida zo atsuki
aki no shimo

Taken in my hand it would melt,
the tears are so warm-
autumnal frost
ok, here's a bunch of stuff, for each a post.

a strain of thoughts

I feed on the bleak meat of winter
tribulation in bondage
I am the victim, I am the strap!

to release the yearning spring
from autumnal shackles
I breed a scythe in silent rage
to tear through velvet black
and roses red

to emerge from the pathways
strewn with disgrace
I fold tranquil origami
from this dried paper heart of mine

I hunger
I starve

bodies boldly twisted in expectation
of a coming feast
neglect my flesh
and starve myself of fluid

naked thrashing limbs
what of the impulse inside my chest
to tear into you

never the cause, never the cause, never the cause
for your effect

hang onto my very lips
hear every word I speak
here is what is meant for you
(and you alone)

as you are armoured against me
am I armoured against you
and as you suffer
I silently smile
and as you cut these wrist
and swallow all this sleep
and gift me once with roses red
and dreamers dead
I hide the tears upon your cheek
and drink the wine in winter

stroke by stroke, your naked thrashing limbs
in disorder, as you break in penetration
sighing, groaning, desolate
for something to take away the pain
take away the pain take away the pain take away the pain

so are you hungry?
hungry still?
you used to hang in golden frames in galleries now dusted
I paint another portrait, your naked thrashing limbs in utter disarray
I see you now, depressive child,
as mad for attention,
as desperate for success
as empty for all your proud speeches
as quick to fall in the face of failure
as lost
as I.....
you are too well informed :rolleyes:

thanks a lot :D:D

but honestly, it's everything but happy, right at 00:05 I got diarrhea, which hasn't gone away yet, and so, while I wanted to spend the whole day in munich, with a big dinner, some art museums and watchen LotR in English at 23:00... I ended up sitting here alone and listening to Anathema's latest album.....

ahrg.... the best laid plans....

sorry, that needed to get out.

I really do appreciate the congrats!
okay, for your birthday i will dig up a really old... errr... whatever... i think i'll just post it

we all walk this world
with no reason
we all pay our bills
and taxes...
we all are relieved when
another day has gone by
we all live our lives like
we would wear dirty clothes

everyone wants the best
- but just for himself
everyone puts the blame
on all the others
noone cares
for other's thoughts
and nobody realizes
there's something wrong

comfort your mind
with smoke and alcohol
...just like i do
just like we all do...

happy birthday TFC, and good luck with your diarrhoea. have you heard of the salmonellae found in certain chocolate bars distributed by aldi? hopefully you didn't eat of them...
btw i think i will fetch one + a beer... this download takes ages. and there'snothing better to start into christmas eve with a headache :) and diarrhoea :)
my diarrhea got better, thanks ;)
and I never eat chocolate ;) (almost...)
anyhow, enough off topic, this thread can stand on it's own!

my own faults

and everytime I find another
and everytime I see another
and everytime I hear another

everytime I see from outside
and notice
I smile

for thus I gain...
Originally posted by TexasFriedCriminal
might it perchance be that we inspire each other ?

Inspiration among Artists

Strange thing this intercourse,
You grabbed me by my sweaty hands
And you delivered me,
pushed me forth when I was unwilling,
breathing sighs of doubt in a cold, hostile air,
pulled me out just when I had begun to perish-
of indifference, apathy, sickness, starvation-
You've given me room to breathe,
the air to breathe,
and the will to breathe when I had none,
Yet your morale was my morale,
You needed me as I needed you.
I requited and hoped to become your Sun,
your Nature, Blood and Madness,
and replenish what cycles
there existed in the Ecology of Man.
All those places I needed to be,
wanted to go,
I'm there because of you,
the kindness of Strangers.


Oh and Happy Birthday TFC! two days before Jesus eh? hehe
(a poem I wrote this morning)

Remember, memories,
drowning, the sting of water
as it flushed into cavities,
the crush of flesh as it panged
against another's, fights and more fights.

Pure alcohol swished like gasoline that purified,
I suffered from de ja vu's all day long,
looked at life from another consciousness,
which seethed and simmered, fading in and out,
like an object on an ancient body of water, depressed.

Dirty floors, silent soliloquys haunting the ceiling,
I thought you'd never end.
I have known a multiplicity of nobilities since,
opening wide and diverging wider,
a death that came to me like a journey,
a recurring amor fati, I fell in love with my very veins.
A surge of the outermost tranquillity,
slowly floating towards the horizon
The first glimpse of sunlight reaches out for me
A stench of delight…slowly rising

When did this story become alas so dreary?
When did the verbosity of nature become so weary?
Since when did the rivages deserve a robe of jet-black?
We fear what we don’t posses and fear what we lack

A sphery hymn devoted to minor
Can everybody share it or is it just for my core?

Walking through a desert of the foremost solitude
Walking through no man’s land slowly losing fortitude
If nothing will be done nature will lose its splendour
Something must be done or else life will lose its posture

Slowly the sun grasps the skyline
If you listen to the hymn this can be thine
The last glimpse of sunlight leaves my face pale
Thinking about nature my thoughts set sail…

I wrote this one last night..

take care!
This is a little idea me and Terria had. A two-part poem. Please wait for him to post his poem ;).

twin nether suns
blazing gold spheres
shining a cloudy dawn
A dusk that embraces
the dust of this landscape.
Like tendrils of darkness
the shadow of a dead tree
touches my bare feet
freezing my naked soul
Oblivion calls me daughter