Poison my eyes


New Metal Member
Apr 30, 2002
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Can anyone give a complete history on this song? why wasn't it on SOWN? was it released anywhere besides the movie soundtrack? what's it all about?
I guess it was recorded during SOWN session and they decided not to put it on the album. Surely it's somewhere explained why.
yeah it was just decided it didn't fit in with the rest of the album so they dropped it from sound of...and decided they would use it as a b-side or as a soundtrack track.....which is how it ended up as a track on last action hero, shame cos its absolutely blinding
it's my fave Anthrax b-side, along with Grunt and Click. both are 2 of my fave 5 john bush-era songs
poison my eyes was left off sown cause the band felt the song needed more work,and i guess when the oportunity came up for last action hero that was the first choice!!!
The scratch at the beginning is just plain sick! Terminator X is credited for scratching on the SOWN album, I'm assuming for this track that was left off. Shame though, it's an insane heavy song.

I might have seen that lame ass movie about 3 times and I just haven't heard this song in there! Of course I own the soundtrack CD, but I'd rather hear it in "action". This soundtrack is great, btw. Megadeth, Alice In Chains, AC/DC, Cypress Hill, their song kick ass!
Funny, most of the soundtracks I've purchased have Anthrax on them...Last Action Hero, Airheads, Bordello of Blood... :headbang:

That's one area where MP3 trading is probably hitting really hard. If I like a band, I'll often buy their whole CD rather than download all the tracks. But a soundtrack? Why would I pay $15-20 to buy a CD for one song that I want to hear and 9 from artists that I could give a shit about?
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
One of the few soundtracks I actually spent money on. That's rare.

I can count all the ones I've bought on one hand, and this one is definatley my fave. "angry again" got more play outta my speakers than any other song that summer.
BTW another good soundtrack is TALES FROM THE CRYPT MONSTERS OF METAL. It's various songs w/ cuts of the cryptkeeper speaking in between.
Annie Lennox is cool, hold your tongue.
Demon Knight has a good soundtrack, especially Biohazard's song. Last Action Hero is probably my favorite sountrack, even if it only had Poison My Eyes. Serious dibs to Ghosts of Mars though, holy shit!