Poll: Living or Dead?

are musicians thought of as better cause they're dead?

  • hell yeah

    Votes: 16 53.3%
  • fuck no, they're just talented

    Votes: 14 46.7%

  • Total voters
no no Tchaikovsky was a fag

but the 1812 Overture alone makes it ok :p
There are and were better players than them, they just happened to be in bigger, known bands.
Example: Euronymous
But I do think that their death have made them seem greater than what they were.
Norway/Church burnings/Euronymous/Varg/One brutal murder... it's now legendary.
but dieing makes you extra cool yes.
The name Euronymous. Now somehow cool.
yeah people do like bands more when people die, for example if (during FTR days) alexi laiho died everyone would start buying CoB CD's and stuff
Old school Mayhem, anyone?
dime was great even when alive. but when he died his work got more attension. and was taken more seriously
I think Mayhem got a little more credit as result of Euronymous' death, but in the end Burzum really got a kvlt following. Mind you, most of this following consists of Satanist retards without a clue about Varg's motives, but w/e.
RIP Frank Zappa :waah:
<hug3 G-Spot Tornado and The Torture Never Stops. .

RIP Chuck. Amazing dead or alive.
listen to the swedish!

they got hot blond chicks

Not only blondes! I met two fucking hot swedish brunettes at Majorca last week. Not to say they are the only hot swedish women I've met...

Btw, Dime, Rhoads, Chuck, Zappa, Cliff... I was a fan of Chuck and Dime before they were dead and didn't know about the deaths of Cliff, Zappa and Rhoads before I had listened to each for about 1 or 2 years. Then my big bro told the horrifying truth. Kinda like the Santa Claus-effect on children...

Whatever, I don't think any of those guys are overrated. They rule!