Pop Punk Mix


New Metal Member
Feb 28, 2010
Tear this mix apart, PLEASE. I am on the learning curve and making what seems to be incremental progress so any criticism will help!

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4920619/Pop Punk Mix.mp3

- I used Pod Farm 2 with a less than adequate les paul studio to record guitars.
- SSD for drums
- FL studio for bass haha since I do not have a bass at the moment
Drums sound too programmed, especially the cymbals. Drums sound too much like slate but with no processing. Guitars sound like standard pod which is alright if thats what floats your boat

Play around with velocities for all the drums and also process your drums a little more. Slate stuff works better with transient designers rather than compression, I only use a slight bus comp for slate stuff
Yeah, the drums are only slightly eq'd and compressed with no other processing and while layering drums is not my forte, I have to learn how to do it because I know that it makes all the difference. Anyways, thanks for the input and the tip on using a transient designer!