Pop/Rock type song


Mediocre metal maker
Dec 18, 2010
Suffolk, United Kingdom
This was a song written by one of my friends bands, but I thought it could be rocked up a little so I rearranged some of the parts and recorded it over the last couple of days. No vocals yet, but that should hopefully change soon.

Current issues I have:

Sometimes the guitars can seem a little harsh and fatiguing, also maybe a bit boxy?
Drums are badly programmed and need to loosen up a little. Toms are especially pretty bad sounding
Not real bass, but bass substitute
There is a transition in the song which is pretty badly done, you'll hear it

Anything I missed? Essentially a bedroom amateur recording


http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4855778/Our Imagination.mp3
I don't think it's too bad. Nice melodies and with some vocals, could be a cool song.