Pop/Punk type stuff


Mar 9, 2009
Just mixing some pop punk type band. If anyone remembers a few months ago I posted a cover of them doing Livin La Vida Loca by Ricky Martin. This is one of their originals.

Admittedly, the lyrics in this song are fuckin attrocious and the other songs are worse.

I made the samples of the real kit. Replaced the kick completely, blended the real snare with a sample of the real snare and replaced the toms with the real tom samples.

The bass was recorded using a Sansamp Bass Driver on the way in. Compressed(pretty much limited) and EQ'd a little, scooping around 500Hz and boosting a bit in the top end. I don't recall where though. The bass is my favourite part of the mix.

The guitars are Pod Farm. First time I've used it for recording since I got it. Sounds alright, I'm not fond of the guitar tone too much, but I think it works. I had planned to re-amp the guitars with my SL-X but it's being seen to just now.

The vocals are weird, There's minimal tunage going on, but he still sounds like a robot, even when speaks he has this weird tone in his voice. I tried notching it out but I was losing clarity :(

Anyway, enough talk. Just looking for some pointers really. Struggled a lot with some elements and while I'm not 100% happy (who is) I'm a bit closer. Wanna finish this by the end of the weekend.

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3526809/SUMMER MASTER.mp3

Cheers for having a look. Any comments, even if you think it's totally shit, are totally welcome.

Another attempt
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3526809/SUMMER MASTERMIX4.mp3

And again... mix 9million! :)
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3526809/SUMMER SONGS MASTER1.mp3
Really? What do you like about them man?

Cheers for listening btw.

One of the things I always seem to fail on is the bass and I'm hoping nobody comes in and says that the bass disappears and re-appears. I've tested it on so many different computers/car/headphones!
cool stuff! I would turn up the guitars a bit. Dig the voice!

oh and about the bassguitar: its a bit small on my homesystem, but I will recheck in the studio tomorrow.
Thanks man, I'd appreciate that. I'll take another listen to the guitars.

I dunno if you saw the threads that Ola posted and then Ermz made one about lo-passing guitars down to 7kHz, but I gave that a try on this, I think I might be missing a little bit from the top but I'm not totally sure.
The bass is indeed disappearing and reappearing. Have you already comppressed/limited the feck out of it?

Vocals I thought were weirdly mixed at first, but they grew on me. I think some short plates or delays might be in order to add to what you've already done jeid. Other than that pretty nice sounding I'd say.
I've got a fair bit of delay on there but I backed it off before bouncing this mix. I'll maybe have to add it back in.

Damn bass. It doesn't seem to disappear when I listen on headphones. I have indeed limited the crap out of it. Very very quick attack, 300ms release, 20:1 ratio, -20 threshold. I dunno what else to do to get it to not jump up and down.
Hey buddy, very good vocals. Bass is jumping up and down like said previously. Why dont you automate the offending parts?
Its weird, cos even with the most terrible bass players (me), after compressing to hell and back there is really not much dynamic left to jump around :D.

Well, the thing is, it was me who ended up playing bass. The bass player was abysmal.

I'm gonna have to bust out the headphones and get on the automation trail!

I always get people telling me the vocals aren't loud enough. I bumped them up on this one for a change.

Appreciate all the input guys! :D
Sweet man. Just listening again, added some more delay to the vocals. Really struggling with the bass though. Motherfucker!

Any comments on the drums?
Really digging this dude! Reminds me of my friend band (www.myspace.com/fineyoungfirecrackers) think it could be the guitars on the verse and the vocals! Check out the song "Diamond Eyes" if your into this kind of stuff :)

Also, what amp did you use in pod farm for these guitars? Sound really good!

Only thing I can hear which sticks out a little bit is the kick but that could just be me and personal preference.. actually, listening again and its fine! Great mix :)
I'll check them out mate :)

I used the Dual Rectifier model. You're the second person in as many days to have asked about my Podfarm tone. There's nothing fancy about it. It's Rectifier, Gain/Bass/Middle all at 4, Treble/Presence/Volume at 8. Rectifier Cab, 0% room, 57 off axis, Tubescreamer, drive 15%, Gain 75%, tone 50%. Then a bit of post EQing hi-pass, lo-pass, touch of top end and a little scoop in the middle. A smidge of compression. It's pretty much how I'd set my rig up.