Pop/Punk Mix


Mar 9, 2009
I've been doing this remix for a local band. Recorded the tracks back in July/August and they came back because they wanted to re-record vocals and have the guitars re-amped. They asked if I just fancied giving it a re-mix as well and I thought yeah, sure :)

So, here we have it.

Drums are a mix of real and Slate samples. Got my first use out of Trigger and it's sweet!

Bass is a Fender Precision going into a Sansamp Bass Driver. I duplicated the signal and EQ'd the top and bottom to try and get a full bottom end and a rattly top.

The guitars are a Fender Deluxe Telecaster into my 6505. I'll have to re-amp them again though as this was the only track I got re-amped then someone bumped into the mic and moved it. I am disappoint.

Vocals were done into my SM7B apart from the high harmony in the chorus' which were from the previous mix when I had my 4033A.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3526809/SUMMER SONGS M.mp3

Any comments/criticisms of the mix, not the song... vocalist etc, would be grrrrand.

Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment, it's greatly appreciated.

I have a couple of things that I've noticed, but I'll see what everyone says :)

EDIT: Ok, I've tried a few changes since the last upload. Louder guitars/vocals/edited the backing vocals to be more in time in the chorus/tried blending a different kick sample in.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3526809/SUMMER SONGS MASTER2.mp3
Drums are pretty dominant, but they sound great aside from the snare maybe needing more room.

I'd turn up guitars (really digging that single coil twang, fucking love Teles!), and maaaaybe thicken them up a bit, but volume might solve that power issue.

Vocals seem wetter than the rest of the mix and are definitely way too low. Maybe some de-essing needed, as well.

I'd try to edit the consonants of that harmony vocal better in line with the lead vocal - they clash a fair bit to my ears.

Still dig this song, though, and overall it sounds pretty solid!
Thanks man, appreciate it.

The guitars are gonna get re-amped this week. The chorus' are all octave chords which seems to make them sound a bit wimpy, but I'm hoping the new re-amps will sort that out.

I had a deesser on one of the other tracks I'm mixing, but not this one... d'oh!

The consonants, care to explain that one a bit better to me man :)

Again, thanks a lot.

How's the bass tone? Something that always comes up with my mixes is that the bass is missing.
On the consonants, I just mean the initial attack of some of the words is a bit off, so you end up with flamming between the lead vocal and the harmony, which is a bit distracting.

Bass tone has an awesome grit, but if the guitars are staying like that you might do well duping it and making a completely sub-harmony track out of the DI, like under 200hz only, sidechain with the kick to leave room for it, and use for low end weight alone.
Aha... I think I get you.

Thanks for taking a listen man :)

I'll probably be back in with some changes later in the week.
Great work.

I'd only compress vocals a tad more and turn down the chorus low backing vox. Maybe also automate volumes a bit verses vs chorus to make it explode.
Thanks man, wasn't sure if the backing vocals were too loud or not loud enough. The main vocal is hit at 20:1

Appreciate you taking a listen :)
Still interested?
I'd turn down the bass a little bit and push the vocals a lil bit by compressing it harder und giving not so much reverb on it.
Maybe a little longer verb but a lil less. Understood?
But just turn down the reverb.
I think the drums are very cool :)
great work!
Hey, Yeah, still interested. Thanks a lot. I'll check the verb/compression on it just now. Thanks a lot for the compliments. Much appreciated.