Props to the band for making this a really cool song. The problem i personally think is that everything sounds to modern/polished, i don't think Slate samples work really well in a punk setting. If you got the MIDI file for the drums (at least i think it is programmed?) maybe i could work something out?
Here is my (digital) reamping 50 pence anyhoo I'm not gonna tell you what it is I didn't work out the Solo guitar yet, Post-processing is only HP/LP and some Volume automation on GTR3
Yeah, I've no idea what's causing it either. It's not feedback, it's some sort of interference. Even when I play out of the room I get that noise. It's the shit Pod DI, I'm certain, but I'll not know until I get my DI box. I tried turning everything in my house off, but it didn't solve it. It could just be the Pod itself.
Anyway, I'm waiting for the download. Sounds sweet in that clip though Cheers