pope question


metal maniac
Dec 10, 2004
the black lodge
just watched the news about the new pope and they say he likes cats so i'm just wondering if they make him a saint does this mean he is the patron saint of pussy ????? :tickled: :D
I think one of the main reasons he was chosen was due to his age. The Catholic Church must undergo a huge transformation, & the clergy seem to not be ready for this change at the present time. Electing Benedict as Pope, gives them several years at best to come up with these new reforms. (abortion, birth control, gayness....).
iron_maiden said:
just watched the news about the new pope and they say he likes cats so i'm just wondering if they make him a saint does this mean he is the patron saint of pussy ????? :tickled: :D

i supposed that's a good possibility. he probably won't want his name associated with smelly pussies though. gotta keep them bitches clean.
Onslaught said:


I always thought he looked like the necromancer from Diablo 2

ok nobody knows what the hell I'm talking about