PopMoshcore Paid Job. [Superior, NRR1, AT4040]


Aug 26, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
hey dudes
this is a track from a 5 track EP in doing with a local band called Tyrants.

Guitars are LTD eclipse>Firebox>BTE808>NRR1>LeCab and
Gibson Custom LP with EMG81/85>Firebox>BTE808>NRR1>LeCab.

Bass is AmpegSVX.

Vocals are AT4040 straight into the firebox.

just need some feedback of where i can better this mix. i think maybe the bass needs a bit more dirt.

let me know what you guys rekon!

hey cheers for the reply :)

yeahh im thinking about doubling up the sceams.
how do you do it properly. in my head i would assume because they're the exact same track there would just be some weird phase issues?
would love a hand!

is there any other area's you think i could improve this mix?

Guitars sounds too fizzy, not sure if more midrange or less gain will help. If they're still dry tracks, then try blending with another amp simulator (LePou's Legion might work). What's the vocal chain like? Screams sound good but need to glue in better, add some slight delay to fill in the pockets and then do a volume re-level. Chorus is catchy, just some volume automation and maybe that compressor/delay combo I mentioned earlier. Wouldn't hurt putting a nice widener on those singing vocals. Good job overall though!