Porcupine Tree Albums

Poison Godmachine

Atheistic Existentialist
Feb 3, 2002
Berklee College of Music
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I had "In Absentia" and I liked it so I bought "Lightbulb Sun" and that all improvised CD. I liked Lightbulb Sun even more than In Absentia so I bought "On the sunday of life" and it fucking sucked. What the hell is going on here? Can I get suggestions of which to buy and which to avoid?
Get Signify. I have In Absentia and Signify. I <3 them. I am getting Lightbulb Sun soon, just have to wait untill I get a car. Stupid Dream seems good. My favorite PT song is Pure Narcotic on Stupid Dream. What was so bad about On the Sunday of Life?
I bought in absentia, I can see why people like it, I just turned off the general happyness, cheesiness and niceness of it.
On the Sunday Of Life is a collection of very early tracks IIRC. I don't like it either.
Get Signify, Voyage 34 and Down On The Upstair
In Absentia, got me hooked, I d/l Recordings, Lightbulb Sun and Stupid Dream and adore them all, I tend to prefer bits and pieces of all of them, Recordings is amazing, Lightbulb sun is brilliant, and Stupid Dream has fully captured me yet, but I have only heard it once or twice so far

PS I will buy these albums, I am just waiting for the planned remasters next year!!!
Black Dragon said:
PT really are one of those bands where there is a little of everything for everyone.

Yes, that's why I can't worship that band...there's too many ideas poured into this.
I first heard In Absentia, and understood why it was such a hit. I've since listened to the rest of their recordings and I must say that I am not a fan. The albums bore me to no end it seems, with only a few tolerable parts in the individual songs. In Absentia is unquestionably their best release, and even at that, it's not one that I'd regret losing.
I have In Absentia right now, and downloaded "shesmovedon" from Lightbulb Sun and absolutely love it. Is the rest of that album as good?
I have all the PT releases and you shouldn't let Sunday preclude you from getting some of the other releases. Its very experimental and if it were up to Steven, it wouldn't even be for sale.

If you like Lightblub Sun, I'd also recommend Stupid Dream and Recordings. These three are pretty similar in style. The other albums have more of a space rock feel to them. I happen to like all the PT releases, but I'm also of the opinion that Steven is a genius so I guess I'm biased.
Stupid Dream is an absolute masterpeice. I find it to be better than LBS and way better than In Absentia. Stupid Dream is just one of those albums that takes over your player for weeks and never lets go. Ever since I got it I've been hooked and boy was it hard to get my hands on too! I reckon it is the most difficult album I've ever had to look for but well worth it. Get your hands on Stupid Dream at all costs! Signify is also a very solid release from them. Plenty of interludes and samples on that one. And as always...Top Notch production by SW! Trying to get Sky Moves Side Ways at the moment but can't seem to snag it! Metanoia is for the hardcore PT fans so don't get it as a first. And In Absentia is terribly dark compared to the other PT releases. Sometimes its just to eerie to listen to. STUPID DREAM at any and all costs!
Neurotomania said:
I bought in absentia, I can see why people like it, I just turned off the general happyness, cheesiness and niceness of it.

if you think it seems cheery and nice you don't get it....maybe blackest eyes but even that has some darkness..and some tracks are downright creepy (the creator has a mastertape). There is a great interview on the PT site with steven wilson about why he doesn't really like the obviously happy pop music, he says because he actually finds it depressing and that the darkess songs can make you feel the best. I thought it was a great idea because I hadn't thought about it that way, but I can sit there and listen to Agalloch and even be near the edge of tears but not feel really depressed because it is a release and the idea that you can FEEL what someone else is conveying to you through music, even though it may be sad, is uplifting.
You are right about Agalloch. It's not "happy" music at all, that's for sure. Yet, when I listen to it, especially "In the Shadow of Our Pale Companion," I am just sucked in for the entire 15 minutes.

As for as PT goes, I only have In Absentia, but am definitely interested in some of their other work.
On the Sunday of Life is an excellent album, Nine Cats and Footprints are amazing songs. This was like the third PT album I bought after I had started with Sky Moves Sideways and then Signify. I love all PT albums, but I guess I am pretty biased as well. I own every PT and No-man (picked up Loveblows and Lovecries for $3.99 used and almost shit my pants after finally finding it) album. I have Arcadia Son by I.E.M. and Bass Communion 2. I also have the new Ex-Wise Heads, JBK's Seed, and Henry Fool. So this would definately say that I love Steven Wilson's music.
Porcupine Tree is amazing. One of the only bands that my Dad and I completely agree on.

We've got Signify and In Absentia. Dad ordered Ligtbulb Son the other day, because we can't find them anywhere else.