Porcupine Tree Anyone!

Metal 99

Sep 15, 2006
I can't hardly believe no one on here has commented on the awesome Porcupine tree show last night..Did anyone go from this forum? I thought it was an awesome show.. good crowd the flawless music they played some commented on the sound not being great from the first row of the balcony it was awesome, It was my first PT show but won't be my last..next week TSO!!:headbang:
I missed them when they last toured by me - I didn't even know about the show until the next day :(
I also don't have FoaBP yet.

Gavin Harrison melts my face.
Saw PT for the first time at Sweden Rock in 2006. Had a couple CD's that I didn't give enough attention to, but fell in love with them at that fest. Since then, I've seen them a number of times stateside and I LOVE this band. Recently did a photo shoot for the drum mag at the Beacon Theatre. Fantastic show. I'll post photos of everyone but Gavin soon. (Drumhead mag owns any drummer shots.) Remarkably intense prog metal performance. They are an amazingly innovative and intense prog band with themes and melodies that will engage any metal (or any music) fan.
I caught the show in Cincinnati and it was amazing. Gavin Harrison is an excellent drummer. Anesthetize was definitely the highlight for me. That song was unbelievable live. I can't wait to see them again.
Completely agree. Not only did their performance seem nearly flawless, but it was very close to a sellout at a 1200-person venue (the Roxy Theater in Buckhead). The house sound was much better than the last time they played there, too. Still a bit bassy, but more than acceptable.

Great night. I almost turned around and didn't make it due to pain-related tiredness, but I was so glad I stuck it out to the bitter freezing end.

PPUSA tie-in: their guitar tech was wearing a Threshold t-shirt, AND toured with them and Communic. :kickass:

The only downer of the night? Steve Wilson confirmed that, two years after being asked, nothing had ever coalesced regarding him producing the new Orphaned Land CD. :(
They put on a great show. The live shows are harder than the albums, and to me, fit the music better.

I don't enjoy seeing them as much in the larger venues though. Price of popularity I guess. Also, when they were here in LA, the audio level was insane. If I had not been able to get some earplugs from someone there (forgot mine), I would not have been able to stay for it. It was THAT loud.
The only downer of the night? Steve Wilson confirmed that, two years after being asked, nothing had ever coalesced regarding him producing the new Orphaned Land CD. :(

Bummer! I was wondering whatever happened with that....

These guys are the pinnacle of prog for me right now. That they have a slight heavy edge is icing on the cake. Can't get enough of them...
They packed the Webster Theater in Hartford, too. And I mean PACKED. It was cool seeing a bunch of 50 year olds who were probably Pink Floyd fans from back in the day listening to the same music as 20 year olds wearing Cradle of Filth shirts.
They packed the Webster Theater in Hartford, too. And I mean PACKED. It was cool seeing a bunch of 50 year olds who were probably Pink Floyd fans from back in the day listening to the same music as 20 year olds wearing Cradle of Filth shirts.

Yep, that was weird. Very varied crowd -- although not quite as varied as when I saw Dead Can Dance. :)

A lot of Opeth t-shirts in evidence....maybe as many as PT shirts (at the beginning of the night, anyway).
--And on the other end of the spectrum, there's the old guy wearing a tye-dyed Marillion shirt hanging out by the tour bus. "Aha, a prog-nerd," we decided. When we heard the words "Trevor Rabin" and "Yes" waft over, we knew for sure. :lol:
We were surprised to see ya there, Dan...and a bit more surprised we didn't see you at Enslaved/Arsis last night. :) (Both were excellent, as was local opener From Exile.....The Agonist, not so much.)

If Enslaved had played at 8pm I totally would have gone ;)
I'm getting old. And I didn't care about any of the other bands. I like Arsis but have seen them enough times.