Porcupine Tree- Fear Of A Blank Planet


Aug 29, 2005
I know there's a few PT fans on here, so... what's your response to the new album?

After a few listens, I'm sort of ambivalent. I place a little more stock in lyrical content when we're not dealing with metal- I listen to metal for the guitars and drums; vocals and lyrics are a bonus at best- and there's nothing here that grabs me in the same way some of Deadwing or (especially) In Absentia did. Despite that, I have to give Steven Wilson credit for writing a concept album that's not pretentious sillyness.

The compositions are cool, though, and I could listen to this all day long for Gavin Harrison's drumming alone. The drumming is incredible on this; there's real dynamics, complexity, groove, and the drum sounds are great. I think they've improved considerably even over Deadwing. I know he records his tracks in his home studio- is this the result of some cool new gear, or just more experience behind the board?

The rest of the production, I find myself ambivalent again. The bass is bigger and fuller, but the guitars and keyboards seem to be more washy, less clearly defined, and I'm not digging the guitar tones as much, especially the higher gain stuff. Did Steven Wilson go all Pod XT for the guitars this time? IMHO, he sounded best through the Bad Cat Hot Cat on In Absentia. I have an XT, I own and have owned some nice amps, and I wouldn't trade them for the Pod for gain stuff.

Definitely the heaviest riffage yet from these guys. I think it's awesome that a guy whose music bears a pretty strong resemblance to Pink Floyd and The Cure on a regular occasion discovered he really likes Morbid Angel, Meshuggah and all that and has been incorporating those elements into his music ever since. (Check out the "death metal" section in the middle of Anesthetize at about 11:00 in...) They pull off the odd-time chugging that's become a staple of heavier modern prog acts thanks to Tool and Meshuggah convincingly. And their guest appearances are starting to read like a who's who of prog rock guitar- Adrian Belew and Mikael Akerfeldt on the last one, Alex Lifeson and Robert Fripp this time around. (And string arrangements by Dave Stewart- as in the guy from The Eurythmics?)

Your thoughts?
I really like it, it's been constantly on my playlist for the last week.

Personally 'Deadwing' really didn't do much for me when compared to 'In Absentia'. I felt that the production quality was lacking and it contained a disproportionate filler:quality song ratio. As far as 'Fear Of A Blank Planet' goes though I don't think theres anything on it I don't like. And Harrisons drumming is completly blinding as always.
I really like it, it's been constantly on my playlist for the last week.

Personally 'Deadwing' really didn't do much for me when compared to 'In Absentia'. I felt that the production quality was lacking and it contained a disproportionate filler:quality song ratio. As far as 'Fear Of A Blank Planet' goes though I don't think theres anything on it I don't like. And Harrisons drumming is completly blinding as always.

In Absentia definitely tops my list as far as both their production and writing are concerned. Heartattack In A Layby is possibly the most depressing song I've ever heard. Production-wise, there's just something I don't like about the synths and guitars on this one. The bass and drums are great, though.

Between Fear Of A Blank Planet and Deadwing, it's tough. I think FOABP is a stronger album, but there's stuff on Deadwing I prefer over any individual track on FOABP. Arriving Somewhere But Not Here is pretty phenominal, at least as far as I'm concerned.
i really like the new one. I downloaded the live bootleg before it came out and wasn't that impressed, but then i listened to the album and it's pretty much an immediate hit with me. Every song is good and has memorable music and lyrics. I also like some of the stuff that they're trying on this album, alot of it i wasn't expecting.
This one is still growing on me....it's only had a couple of spins while at work, but it didn't quite grab me like In Absentia and Deadwing did. At least not yet...
I really like it. At first the lyrics kind of turned me off, but once I accepted that it was supposed to be from the point of view of the modern "MTV generation" teenager, it made more sense. I still prefer darker stuff lyrics-wise, but its a very well done album. Anesthetize is a masterpiece.

Oh and the drums are really fucking good.
I really like this album, and the special edition DVD is really interesting. It changes a lot of the meaning of the album and makes it even better.

I think it's great. It's a darker, heavier album. I really have to look at it in the context of all of the other albums; this one has its own feel and concept. I love the guitar tones!
This album is great. I will agree that it is a darker album. PT never really disappoints. Definitely worth the purchase!

On a side note, the word 'pills' has become a favorite of SW.
This album is great. I will agree that it is a darker album. PT never really disappoints. Definitely worth the purchase!

On a side note, the word 'pills' has become a favorite of SW.
also "stoned in the mall" and "terminally bored" have entered his vocabulary :lol: oh and "watching TV"
I wonder what the hell happened to the production after Deadwing. Fear of a Blank Planet just sounds thin in comparison. Musically, I haven't let it sink in yet, but somehow I'm doubting it'll grab me as much as In Absentia did.
I wonder what the hell happened to the production after Deadwing. Fear of a Blank Planet just sounds thin in comparison. Musically, I haven't let it sink in yet, but somehow I'm doubting it'll grab me as much as In Absentia did.
really? I think it sounds wayyyyyy betetr than Deadwing personally
I just heard en edit-version of the FOABP on the latest RockHard-CD and I absolutely hate the drums. I can´t listen to the song over headphones with bass drum coming from the right and the snare fromt the left....horrible!!!