Porcupine Tree's new album "Deadwing"


Sep 6, 2002
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OK, I know their not "metal" but its closer to metal than the MTV pop culture scene and Im guessing that a lot of intelligent people will like it. Anyone in music theory will find this band unique...

If you want to listen to the album you have pre-order it off amazon.com and then go to your "digital locker" and stream the album from windows media player.

For those of you who have heard it, most likeky those not in the states, WHAT DO YOU THINK!?
^ LoL

Anyway, I think "In Absentia" is a godly album, but I heard that "Deadwing" is actually quite disappointing from a few. This really shocked me for I was totally looking forward to the album, but now I don't know if I should order it or not.

The track I saw a video to on their site was totally not what I had in mind - didn't interest me much.
No, Deadwing is better than I had originally thought, and definitely better than In Absentia. Shalllow is the worst song on the album, so don't base your opinions on that. Some of the songs are really great, including the title track; Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here; and Glass Arm Shattering. The songs besides Shallow are mostly pretty mellow, and maybe a bit more like those on Stupid Dream. Mike Akerfeldt does some guitar solos and backing vocals. I at first was disappointed, but this is a really good album. If you liked what they were doing before, you won't be disappointed.
Holy fuck dude, that's SO what I needed to hear! Is there anything that beats outthe likes of Trains and Prodigal (2 of my fave PT songs off IA)?

Cheers man. Looks like I'll be picking this up then - I'll take the potential risk.
MasterOLightning said:
No, Deadwing is better than I had originally thought, and definitely better than In Absentia. Shalllow is the worst song on the album, so don't base your opinions on that. Some of the songs are really great, including the title track; Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here; and Glass Arm Shattering. The songs besides Shallow are mostly pretty mellow, and maybe a bit more like those on Stupid Dream. Mike Akerfeldt does some guitar solos and backing vocals. I at first was disappointed, but this is a really good album. If you liked what they were doing before, you won't be disappointed.

Your right on when you talked about "Shallow" being the worst song. I cant believe PT would write something that simple and terrible and then market that as their promo in the first place. Its the most commercial song on the album by far. If one would only listen to track 1 (Deadwing) their outlook would be changed. Both 'Deadwing' and 'Arriving Somehere but not Here' include some of the most solid material they have written yet.
Trains is almost untouchable; I don't think it gets that good. I think you'll find any of the songs besides Shallow and Open Car to be very good. Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here is like a superior version of Russia on Ice. Glass Arm Shattering follows the tradition of the slow closing song, but is far better than any of the songs ending the past three albums. Deadwing is kind of like a faster Even Less. Lazarus is a soft piano song; it's also pretty commercial, but aimed at a different audience than Shallow. Good song. Mellotron Scratch and The Start of Something Beautiful are unlike previous songs, but both strong songs. And Halo is sort of like Slave Called Shiver, with the prominent bass part. It's worth another spin or two if it's not clicking yet.
Deadwing isn't really what I expected, but it's damn good. I like it more than In Absentia now. I can really see they do whatever the heck they want.