Porcupine Tree's Photo Policy

Rick Pierpont

Odin's Court Guitar
Oct 1, 2003
Morrisville, NC
See? Glenn is not such a bad guy after all! Check out Porcupine Tree's sign! And the audience was awesome about respecting their wishes and I didn't even see one LCD held up the entire night. It was actually nice!

I remember when they played NEARFest that they made the announcement that you could only photograph during the first song or so. It was the only time in the times I've gone to NEARFest that there was ANY request made to the crowd about photography.
I guess they're going to bin that sheet when the new CD is out there in the USA. Here in Finland it went straight #11 last week!
Lol! I thought about the irony when I was doing it also! However, it was outside the venue and in light of recent threads about this subject, thought it would be quite appropriate to share here.

I got another picture inside before PT came out, also with my phone, that showed a crew member vacuuming the stage. I'd never seen anything like that before and had to capture that! ;-)
There were tons of cellphone cameras up at my show. :(
Yea, and the security guys were trying real hard to make people stop. I have to say, they were actually very nice about it. They just told them to stop and didn't take away the phones. It is my understanding the main reasons for denying photos during the PT shows was that first, they didn't want the new music recorded and shitty versions being shared on the web, and second they didn't want flashes to detract from the show.

I don't know what anyone would hope to get with their cell phone camera anyway. I was in the photo pit and with the video and lighting it's damn hard to get anything at all with this band.
They certainly aren't the only ones. When we went to Danzig at Universal no cameras at all. We were in the Orch 1st row and about 1/2 way thru the show the majority of our row was removed for taking pictures...he had a zero tolerance for photo of any kind and they booted you quickly.
There were tons of cellphone cameras up at my show. :(

As for Porcupine Tree, I understand completely. This tour especially is a very special show due to doing the first disc in its entirety and it is distracting. I honestly think part of it also is I'm guessing that he wants to release a dvd/cd with this one, and he probably wants that to be the first time people see it outside of actually going to the shows. As far as people following it or not, I think it depends on the city. I know for the Chicago show at the Vic, I didn't see any phones during their set, outside of one guy who almost did, but his friend warned him to put it away and he did. It's probably a combination of the people that go and on top of that, what the security does.

They certainly aren't the only ones. When we went to Danzig at Universal no cameras at all. We were in the Orch 1st row and about 1/2 way thru the show the majority of our row was removed for taking pictures...he had a zero tolerance for photo of any kind and they booted you quickly.

With Danzig there's a reason. Ever since the video of him falling off stage, he doesn't want anyone posting anything embarrassing. That's when he started having that rule. I think there also was a video at one point where another band member from another band punched him out too, but that could just be a rumor.
I believe it's because they have carpet down and Steven Wilson plays barefoot...
at least it looked that way from the balcony where I was at.
Kaosaur is right:


Yea, and that's about all you'll get photographing PT.
Anyone got any ideas on how to overcome that lighting without an alternative source, please let me know.

And here's what you can get of the drummer:


Nice of them to put that chair there too. :Smug:
With Danzig there's a reason. Ever since the video of him falling off stage, he doesn't want anyone posting anything embarrassing. That's when he started having that rule. I think there also was a video at one point where another band member from another band punched him out too, but that could just be a rumor.

shit happens to the best of us:lol: that's not a rumor it's a widely circulated video.
Yea, and that's about all you'll get photographing PT.
Anyone got any ideas on how to overcome that lighting without an alternative source, please let me know.

at least at Terminal 5 you can get some "neat" overhead shots from the 2nd & 3rd floors. Maybe standing waaaaaaaaay far back and taking shots of the stage might give you something. Surely better than this. :/

It's actually kind of genius on their part.
I got another picture inside before PT came out, also with my phone, that showed a crew member vacuuming the stage. I'd never seen anything like that before and had to capture that! ;-)

I thought the exact same thing! :lol: I had never seen anyone vacuum the stage between sets before. I even pointed that out to the girl standing next to me and she told me that Steven performed bare foot. I still thought it was amusing.
Anyone got any ideas on how to overcome that lighting without an alternative source, please let me know.

I realize that was a rhetorical non-question, but:

Go black and white, and then split-tone shadows/highlights. Or shoot raw and morph the red to some other hue.

I agree that this was probably intentional. Allen says he sees this occasionally: Lighting sucks for the first 2-3 songs, then explodes to life as the photographers exit the pit.
That was only a partially rhetorical question. I'm always looking for tips. Thanks, esa, I'll try both.
As for PT, they just incorporate the video so much into their show, they hardly light the band throughout the whole performance. Gavin actually laughed with me after the show and said, "So, how were those silhouette shots?"

Edit/Update: Easy tutorial, esa. Really like the effect. Thanks again!
Yeah, I noticed that he played barefoot (another unique thing) and assumed that's why they vacuumed. Still, I've never seen that happen before and it gave me a chuckle.

I don't recall seeing even one cell phone held up in Baltimore and I was on the balcony above stage left so I could see just about the entire floor. It was actually nice not to have that distraction. And as AMBR pointed, what would be the use of taking crappy cell phone pictures at a particularly dark show?
Yeah I photographed a PT show a couple years ago in Atlantic City and got REALLY bad shots. They do not light their shows well and were hardcore about the photo policy then, too. To each its own if you want to be that discriminatory about what is out there...but as an e-zine editor its discouraging to want to cover another one of their shows as much as I like the music.
They certainly aren't the only ones. When we went to Danzig at Universal no cameras at all. We were in the Orch 1st row and about 1/2 way thru the show the majority of our row was removed for taking pictures...he had a zero tolerance for photo of any kind and they booted you quickly.

At the Atlanta show they weren't allowing people to enter with cellphones.


With Danzig there's a reason. Ever since the video of him falling off stage, he doesn't want anyone posting anything embarrassing. That's when he started having that rule. I think there also was a video at one point where another band member from another band punched him out too, but that could just be a rumor.

Not so much a rumour as a legendary vid.


And yes, Glenn D. is indeed an asshole.
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