Portable mp3 player: Do you own one?

Portable mp3 player: Do you own one?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 78 78.0%
  • No, but I plan to.

    Votes: 11 11.0%
  • No, I don't want one.

    Votes: 11 11.0%

  • Total voters
I'd like to thank the person who created this thread. I don't post much here on UM anymore, but I do try to read it on a fairly regular basis. I felt the need to post today.

I do not own an MP3 player. When it comes to this type of stuff, my delay in jumping on the bandwagon is usually "I'm just not there yet". In one way it makes me wonder if that means that I'm getting "old" or something. For example, I swear I'm one of the last people that finally let go of their land land telephone and solely relied on their cellphone. Though I find it fascinating, it takes me a bit to get used to the ever blazing technology these days.

I almost got an iPod. Last year, if anyone remembers, Ford had this incentive where if you purchased one of their vehicles, you received a free iPod. My stance at this point was if I was gonna get one for free I'd learn how to use it. I did purchase a vehicle, but sadly never received my iPod. Ford gave me some B.S. story about problems with their Apple rep. Anyway, they still made good and instead issued me a check for $400 in lieu of the iPod. Initially I planned on just buying one with this money, but instead I threw the extra cash towards paying off my seemingly never-ending student loan.:Smug:

I suppose I just can't be arsed with loading my entire CD collection on said device. I also think that toys like this further contribute to the complete demise of the music industry. That statement could be construde as harsh, but for me, the idea of any form of tangible music (CD's, records, tapes, etc.) becoming completely obsolete scares and saddens me.

That said, I have a sneaking suspicion that my father has bought me an iPod for X-mas. He's been doing research on the MP3 players for a while. So much in fact, that his vast knowledge frightens me! My old man knows more about this stuff than I do!

Anyway, the posts here have been really informative as to the differences between the various options. I may come back here after X-mas to read some more and possibly contribute some of my own questions.;)

Sorry for my long-winded-ness. I guess I do need to start posting more here to shorten my replies!

Anyhoo...carry on.
and the mandatory "this poll sucks" option
Aswell as "Who are Opeth?"

I have one, I use it all the time, alot easier to get what I want on instead of going through my CD collection. I also have portable speakers which surprisingly sound as good as my cd player. It's a Creative Zen, so it's a brick, though I manage to go exercising with it, aswell as it being tough enough to work perfectly after plenty of drops (once into a pool), as opposed to Ipods which fall apart if you sneeze.
Good post SL. With the not being bothered to load your music onto the device, the best thing to do is to line it all up and let it run overnight. I'm not sure how quickly iPods transfer but on my iRiver, 13GB took about 2 hours. I'm assuming you'd have more than that so overnight is easy. And NO ONE in Australia relies solely on their mobiles! Not that I know of anyway, so maybe we're a bit backwards:lol:
Yeah, landline rocks. Neway, back to the topic, I own an iRiver 512mg thing. It's all I really need at the moment, just a bit of music in my car really. It does it's job, very basic, but also pretty reasonable on price compared to the other brands. I chose it because it was also the only player that supported ogg. at the time (I'm not sure if other players have taken this format yet), which really suits me as most of my ripped music is in that format. If I used the thing more than I do at the moment I would probably get one with a bigger memory, rechargable battery etc. But yeah, it does it's job so I'm happy.
It's a Creative Zen, so it's a brick, though I manage to go exercising with it, aswell as it being tough enough to work perfectly after plenty of drops (once into a pool), as opposed to Ipods which fall apart if you sneeze.

ROFL:lol: :lol: :lol:

Creative all the way beby! Anyone who comes into my work place looking for an Ipod gets a stern warning from me to reconsider it. In the city i live in a lot of retailers dont stock them anymore as customers keep bringing them back faulty. Firmware problems, the device not even powering up etc... Its a joke really. Apple have this great device on the market and could they get it working right? Me arse.

Apple Ipod < Everything else (Including the flakes of dead skin on the side of my foot)
I hear the new iPods have video playing capabilities. My question is why? I understand, appreciate and use mp3's, I mean my player is great for what I need - mobile music, which is convenient. But why watch videos on one of these things? Whats the deal with that? You can't jog and watch a video, or hook it up to you car, etc. etc. I can't think of any reason it would be convenient, it is portable, yes, but why bother standing still looking at a tiny screen when you can sit down and watch a tv. Do people actually use these things for the video or is it a marketing ploy?
umm... airplane? long bus? road trip? ipod video is extremely convenient.

Exactly. I had a 3 hour journey home for christmas so i popped in my headphones and stuck on the movie of The Wall and then Denis Leary's No Cure For Cancer. Makes the journey a whole lot more enjoyable.
my girlfriend and i flew to brisbane (about 3 hours) and watched a couple of movies on her iPod and you're right it is hard. i ended up just lying back and listening to my music after about half an hour and she went on to complain once we arrived of a sore neck and a headache. but i dont think it'd be that bad if you wanted to watch a bootleg or film clip or something... i think that would be the best way to use it.
Ok. I've been shifted to the dark side. My mother got me an 8 Gig Ipod Nano for Christmas. After yesterday's fiasco of attempting to learn how to use it, I now have just short of 400 songs loaded onto it (including the entire Opeth catalogue) and I'm not stopping anytime soon.

I'm one of you now.
Good post SL. With the not being bothered to load your music onto the device, the best thing to do is to line it all up and let it run overnight. I'm not sure how quickly iPods transfer but on my iRiver, 13GB took about 2 hours. I'm assuming you'd have more than that so overnight is easy. And NO ONE in Australia relies solely on their mobiles! Not that I know of anyway, so maybe we're a bit backwards:lol:

If I understand things correctly, I'd have to get all my CD's on the computer first and then upload them to the MP3 player, no? That's what I can't be arsed with!:lol:

To my surprise, my father did not get me one for x-mas. Instead, he gave me a check for $500. I'm not complaining...it's for the "Help get SL out of student loan debt" fund. ;-)

Perhaps things are different here in the U.S. with regards to mobile phones. For a lot of us here, it's cheaper just to have a mobile and ditch the land line. Calling all over the country is included and it's, well, for lack of better words, mobile, so many of us here have it as their only phone.
i've had a 30gb zen vision m for a while, no problems yet.

Me too, I even dropped in and chipped a big bit of the side and still plays great. Only letdown of any of the colour screen MP3s is those damn scratches. I have to hold it at the precise angle in order to watch Lamentations when I'm on the bus.
ROFL:lol: :lol: :lol:

Creative all the way beby! Anyone who comes into my work place looking for an Ipod gets a stern warning from me to reconsider it. In the city i live in a lot of retailers dont stock them anymore as customers keep bringing them back faulty. Firmware problems, the device not even powering up etc... Its a joke really. Apple have this great device on the market and could they get it working right? Me arse.

Apple Ipod < Everything else (Including the flakes of dead skin on the side of my foot)
ive had a 30gb video ipod for a year now, it hasnt had a single problem, except when i slammed it against a car door accidentily and the screen broke :nvr4get:

still prbly going to sell it for a creative vision:m cuz it supports avi and etc