Possible to buy a new brain?


New Metal Member
Jan 19, 2010
hey guys ive had my legacy dd-502 (could be called somethin else in places) electric drumkit for about a month now. Im startin to get sick of the crappy pads and the crappy triggering can i get a new brain of say a different drumkit and use the same pads just plugged to a different brain? will it work? will i get better results?
hey guys ive had my legacy dd-502 (could be called somethin else in places) electric drumkit for about a month now. Im startin to get sick of the crappy pads and the crappy triggering can i get a new brain of say a different drumkit and use the same pads just plugged to a different brain? will it work? will i get better results?

yes, that will work, it won't solve your "crappy pads" problem though
I've never heard of that kit, but I'm willing to bet that changing the module won't help your problem. If the pads are shit, they stay that way even if you plugged them in a Roland TD-20 module.
the new alesis modul finally has multilayer samples. but still they wont allow you own samples which sucks big time...
also the new pearl module does not allow your own samples... but they are great in terms of more natural sounding samples for live use.
the new alesis modul finally has multilayer samples. but still they wont allow you own samples which sucks big time...
also the new pearl module does not allow your own samples... but they are great in terms of more natural sounding samples for live use.

The Pearl E-pro Live is a real waste of space, it has nothing new or exciting. It sounds pretty bad even in Pearls own videos to be honest.

It's kind of a joke really, reading e-pro live makes me hear the asian guy in Pearl's e-pro live introduction video, say "EE-PROO-LIVE" inside my head every time :lol:
thanks for the reply guys! so you say that i change pads and not change the brain?

Does your module have editable pad-related settings like sensitivity, threshold, anything that affects the triggering? And, are you happy with the sounds your module is able to produce?

If not, I'd recommend getting a whole new set altogether, with a better module with better sounds, the overall experience will be so much better and it makes more sense that way anyways.
Yep, looks like this Legacy kit isn't exactly top-of-the-line. It's the american equivalent of Millenium, same build. Even the pedals are "Millenium" pedals.

Get a new kit. :)