Possibly the funniest show since Little Britain

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
The IT Crowd is hilarious.

I've seen this one before but it's a classic...I love the take on the anti-piracy ad.


And here's one for the intarweb elitists...it's so true.

"God I'm so thirsty!!!" :lol:

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The IT Crowd is indeed hilarious... But Little Britian was childish bullshit, seriously.
The characters in the IT crowd are written way too similarly to the characters from Father Ted for me to enjoy it much.

I'd much rather he just did a 4th season of Father Ted.
Anyway, 'That Mitchell and Webb Look' is probably the funniest sketch show of recent times.

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Holy crap, Swabs. I've never seen that show, but the dialogue is on par with the best from Monty Python. The Good Samaritan skit was so much like the Anarco Syndicalist part in the Holy Grail...genius.
Some of it is just plain ridiculous though, eg:
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