What the fuck just happened?

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
They went from this, one of the heaviest riffs of the 90's....

To a really good evolution like this, and really great songwriting and melody....


TO FUCKING THIS?!?!?!?!?!?


Did he turn gay or something? Am I missing something here? WTF?!?!?
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Lo and behold..

Nevermore's next.
-har dee har-
(got a good cyanide deal should that happen)
Fucking right you are. What the fucking hell is going on here? I mean, how the hell could a riff as heavy and groovy and awesome such as the one in the Faultline bridge be written by the same band who wrote, uhhh, THAT PILE OF SHIT PREVIOUSLY POSTED?

Ok, time to get it out of my head. Posting Faultline.

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i like Silverchair, they somehow had a influence on me to pick up a guitar and make a band. They got famous and wrote Frogstomp wen 15-16 yo. i like all the albums, even Diorama, but Young Modern is pretty awful
Yeah I dig em too, up until this last thing I just heard...I even got Diorama years ago when it came out. I understood that direction, even though I didn't particularly care for it, but this new shit is them devolving, not evolving.

I still listen to Frogstomp and Neon Ballroom all the time.

I had a white t-shirt with that frog all huge on the front when I was kid. Loved that album.
I'll tell you what happened; These aussie hanson kids cut their fuckin' hair is what the fuck happened. Can't forget shit like this:

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