Post awesome game music here!


Also reposting this because the account moved and it's one of the awesomes pieces of SSH music ever.

Mokou being my favourite Touhou character may have something to do with it, but her theme music is totally gorgeous, the sadness and hatred in there are very well portrayed, even without words.

Some more classics:

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Extremely underrated. Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon (Nintendo 64)

Bloody awesome. Castlevania Symphony of the Night (Playstation)

Metal. F-Zero X (Nintendo 64)

Lame I know but I dig it. Magic Knight Rayearth (Saturn)

Why do you wanna kill me? Batman (NES)

This is so awesome. Mega Man X (SNES)

I really dig the synth in this. Castlevania Dracula X Rondo of Blood (Turbografx 16?)

Okay so shoot me I've never played the game... Sacred 2 (Xbox 360)

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Pretty much the entire LoS soundtrack actually. One of the best in a very long time.
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I'm just not into current games. Everything just seems too overproduced. There was a certain charm to old games that just seems to have been lost.
I agree, but I think it's mostly nostalgia goggles.

Nah. Pretty sure almost everyone can vocalize (or tap) the Super Mario Brothers, Ghost 'n Goblins, Castlevania and Zelda themes. Much of the music today is more for ambiance or power than to be something that burns into your brain. I love a lot of what I hear from modern games, but damn if I can remember any of it a day later.

Oh, and the Lords of Shadow OST is probably the best OST of this generation of consoles. It actually stands on it's own as "music" to listen to outside of a game. It's similar to the God of War soundtracks, except much better. Almost on a John Williams level.

Also, to the guy that posted Mystical Ninja, FUCK YEAH! Great music and great atmosphere.
apologies for double posts if there are any...

Final Fantasy VIII - Waltz for the Moon

Sonic the Hedgehog - Casino Night Zone (fun to play on guitar and bass)

Blast Corps - Simian Acres

Diablo - Tristram (oh god how many hours I spent on this game)

Donkey Kong Country - Theme Song (Got it with my SNES brand new, spent about 12 straight hours playing it as soon as I got it home)

Killer Instinct - The Instinct (because it's just a badass fun riff to play and sounds so cheesy Jean Claude Van Damme 'ish

Myst - Stoneship Age (Robyn Miller is a mood music genius)

Neverhood - Klaymen's Theme

TMNT: Turtles in Time Reshelled - Theme (because it's another fun one to play)

TMNT on the NES - Theme (always wanted to take the time to learn this and thrash it out more)
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