well I guess our people who had their cock sucked by Laura are to busy with throwing random guys through the subway's windows.
no time for such creativity when you're riding the train and subway all day long, the whole holidays.
I wonder if this is a full time paying job for Deron or metalages whatever his name is. He's got to make revenue from stuff.

they both have a number of web sites, not only UM.

at the time, IRC, battleheart payed something like 50 bucks for they forum
Oh, ok lol obnoxious post on my behalf, I thought you sold band stuff and advertised for other bands, like new ones, so i figured you made money from them for doing so. And because you post a lot. and i do remember recently Chris from alestorm mentioning the 50 bucks for bandwidth
If I got paid for the amount of time I spend doing stuff for the site, vs. what revenue actually does come in, I'd probably be at a negative salary :)

I wonder how is it that you always reply when someone says something related to you... it can't be that you lurk every forum :lol:
Metalages Deron Faggot Bitch Queer Hotdogs Beer Asshole Mod CP Porn Tits Weed Drugs

I'm assuming when these words are published he is instantly notified. Theres probably more too.