I'm planning an internet drinking session tonight

Yep! Exactly with me ;)

I dreamt I met this incredibly nice girl with the most beautiful body and she just started making out with me. Man that was nice.

I just kept falling asleep each time I woke up to continue the dream.
The Bringer said:
Yep! Exactly with me ;)

I dreamt I met this incredibly nice girl with the most beautiful body and she just started making out with me. Man that was nice.

I just kept falling asleep each time I woke up to continue the dream.

cool, dude. i dreamt, i was going on posting in the forum. fuckin´ crazy dream :lol:
COBabe said:
but, what about another drinking session tonight? who´ll join me? ;)

I don't like big drinking sessions too often because it takes away the fun and the rollercoaster ride. Plus I went out to doing some shopping and sitting in a cafe with a friend which was a total borefest.
The Bringer said:
Oh lord. I do that all day. I'm glad I don't dream of it!

Sometimes I dream that I don't fall asleep and I am up all night. I wake up so fucking tired.

hehe....yeah, i dunno why i dreamt something like that...but i always have crazy dreams when i´m fuckin´shitfaced :lol:
Profanity said:
I don't like big drinking sessions too often because it takes away the fun and the rollercoaster ride. Plus I went out to doing some shopping and sitting in a cafe with a friend which was a total borefest.

hm, okay if you think so...but i´m shitfaced every friday and saturday night :)
COBabe said:
hm, okay if you think so...but i´m shitfaced every friday and saturday night :)

Well I use to be like that. I stopped drinking for 5 months and I've dranken twice this week. I am just visiting with friends all week before I leave and they keep offering me beer :D

Who knows what will happen tonight.
The Bringer said:
Well I use to be like that. I stopped drinking for 5 months and I've dranken twice this week. I am just visiting with friends all week before I leave and they keep offering me beer :D

Who knows what will happen tonight.

hehe....hm, if i don´t have to work the next day, why shouldn´t i drink? :)

well, i don´t really wanna know what will happen tonight, cuz last night was very hard.....fuckin´ hammered :lol: and a nice hangover the following day...
I don't seem to get hangovers. I just wake up after about 2 hours of passing out to a really dry throat. I go to the tap and guzzle down loads of water and then wake up feeling fresh.
The Bringer said:
I hate hangovers. They are so horrible. It feels like someone is bashing my head in with a hammer and my body is floating in water. I feel like I am swimming all day.

hangovers suck! :)
Are you now? :D

I just started drinking. That case of Moosehead I bought yesterday. Finally dipping into it.

I'm thinking of writing my book actually. Chapters 4 and 5 are almost done and I really want to finish them soon.