
I'm going trick or treating as well. Although I'm still debating as to whether or not I should go as the Unabomber. Although I don't really have the hair for it anymore. :erk:
Cheap wigs can be a lot of fun. 2 years ago I dressed up as Alexi, I had an old wig my sister had taken to dress up as Barbie a few years earlier. It was messed up, but I wore a beanie with it so it didn't show. Seriously, everyone has a shit wig somewhere, just grab one and get the look :)
Im still undecided but methinks maybe the talking mime thing would be a cool idea,it would get me out if having to 'dance' proper the whole night too I can just do the mime,easy! I was thinking of a some final fantasy character, or a rockstar zombie mix- like misfits meets motley crue or something, but likely most in my hometown will go all prettygirlie and dress as fairies or sluts or something and then I'll walk in in facepaint,with studded leather jackets, many belts and crazy hair and it'll be just like Mean Girls :lol:

I was freakishly obsessed with Halloween as a child :lol: Still my fav time of year <3 I started up the whole trick-or-treating thing in my area when I was a kid so I'm all tr00 to the cause and all that. It was wierd cos it wasn't the sweets I was into when I was little,it 's just the whole thing of taking on a different,bad persona like Fetzer said. If it was up to me Id rather head to the forest,start a campfire and sit around it with a few beers telling scary stories for the night,or going to a haunted castle,since one fairly near me is supposedly one of the most haunted in Europe but still dressing up rocks too!
Be a hobo. I usually find some old boots, pants and flannel. Throw them on and a can of beans and you are officially homeless.
I actually think I'm just going to go with the butt's plan, and dress in a hoody and sunglasses, and just agree with anyone that guesses what I am.