I'm planning an internet drinking session tonight

The Bringer said:
Yeah, my girlfriend lives there... I can't wait to see her. It's been a long 5 months. :cry:

Oh awesome.

I still havn't even been out of Canada... That sucks big time.
ND24/7 said:
There is nothing really to follow, I'm just playing with you, I actually understood you were into men hehe. And I just inserted a 'Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back' quote cause I'm drunk, which you mayeb did not understand at first. Anyway...

Let's get ready to get shitfaced!!1one *Jock Jams music*

Ah haha sorry for messing it up :p

Let's just say case closed and cheers instead!
The Bringer said:
Hey that's cool... We won't mind :D

Drive around in Finland? You'll see the whole country in 3 days!

I'm hoping finland has some woods cause i wanna rent some cottage in the woods for a couple weeks. I'm maybe considering staying longer because i can take a 5 month secondment from work to "write a book" :D
Final_Product said:
I'm hoping finland has some woods cause i wanna rent some cottage in the woods for a couple weeks. I'm maybe considering staying longer because i can take a 5 month secondment from work to "write a book" :D

Well you can go tenting for free if you go deep in the forrest, but then it'd be lot harder to go to a city, also people could rob you pretty easy. :Smug:

Final_Product said:
^she already has the sweet one bedroomed place, no?

i might be wrong, too lazy to go back and check.

HEHEHE yes sorry i haven`t seen it before, how about getting the sheets tangled up with her ? i would like do it lol
Ahhh well I am writing a novel right now. I've been working on the idea for almost 2 years and actually writing for 5 months. I am almost 1/4 done my book... Which I am quickly realizing is becoming either a series... Because I am getting a lot of ideas as to what happens in the story beyond the end of my book.

There is a lot of forest. Go to Lappland! The northern section Scandinavia that takes Finland, Sweden and Norway.
It's a book on roman gender issues and their ultimate relavance in the development of our western world view. So i'll prob need to live in the city to write it and get correct resources. I just dont wanna stay here for a full 5 months off to write a book...i'll go nuts!
Well mine is a fantasy story based in a realm that is torn apart by a war between two Gods. They created their own seperate race of human-type beings to rage war for them so they didn't use their power to completely destroy the realm they were fighting over control of. (Run on sentence... I know) Anyways, after the war settles and there is a calming period called "The Two Thousand Year Peace" my first story takes place at the end of "The Peace" and explains how the war starts again.

That is a real quick description. If you want to know more, I do have a full 18 page Prelude typed and ready to go that explains more :D

There are a couple huge twists I have and also parts you don't notice that set up side stories that I can continue in future novels or short stories.

I have some exciting ideas that make my heart beat faster when I think of them hah.
Excess said:
Well, I've had my own place for like 2 years already. Not a house, but a well cozy apartment :p (Check the How do you live?-thread for some pix!)

HEHE ok i will.
Nice thing i have money for a change, only thing i am having littele problems with is to find someone as crazy as me, then i get renting half price !!!!!!