I'm planning an internet drinking session tonight


The Post Master
Jul 3, 2003
Manchester, England, UK
Internet drinking sessions pwn, although I don't want to be here talking to myself. Please can you make sure you're here at about 9 and i'll be looking forward to an exciting night.
just prepared myself 4 mad dogs, i will be in a nice mood after i deal with them :)
I'm back. I bought the following:
1 Litre of 7.5% Cider - £1.09
1 tin of Carlsberg Special Brew - £1.38
1 tin of Holsten Pils - £0.99
total - £3.56

That should keep me going all night. Better than paying £2.60 for a pint in the pub.
Profanity said:
I'm back. I bought the following:
1 Litre of 7.5% Cider - £1.09
1 tin of Carlsberg Special Brew - £1.38
1 tin of Holsten Pils - £0.99
total - £3.56

That should keep me going all night. Better than paying £2.60 for a pint in the pub.

welcome back :) cheers!