Sometimes you listen to an album, and you think "yeah, big shit," and you chuck it away. I did this to When The Kite String Pops. I'm pretty sure I vocalized this and Poonsniffer mailed me a can of whoopass that knocked my teefus out and I was forced to listen a few more times, but that took several months to get around to it, but I eventually did. Anyfuck, it happened, and he was right: I'm gay. I mean, it was awesome. I have been paying close attention to wondrous music since I was 3 years old (that's 1982 for anyone keeping tabs), and there have been few albums that invade my soul like this one does. Sometimes you have to let go of any sort of preconceived notion of what you enjoy actually is, and let it absorb into yourself without hesitation. This is one such album. Lay back. Open your mind, body, and soul, and envelope. The magic will occur whether you want it to or otherise.
But really. When The Kite String Pops is so amazing I question how many albums I blew off prematurely over the years, only to have thrown away veritable masterpieces along the way. FUCK ME I LOVE MUSIC.