Deadboy & The Elephantmen - We Are Nightsky

This is definitely different from If This Is Hell...

Gonna have to give this many listens. Not that I didn't with If This Is Hell. You;re description is very fitting, actually.
haven't listened for a week or so, planning on breaking it out again this weekend.

I could have done without those tracks with piss poor audio thrown in there.

of course it can't touch the last one, but I dig the style. I'll probably have a final verdict on it the next time I listen, so I'll report back.
Yeah, Im still totally undecided ...besides the fact that If This Is Hell blows it right the fuck out of the water. but then again, it does that to most albums.

I dig it, not all of it...but I dont think I will listen to it much at all after the freshness of the release has faded.