Recommendation: Deadboy and the Elephantmen - If This Is Hell, Then I'm Lucky


Squid pro quo
Apr 5, 2002

Deadboy and the Elephantmen - If This is Hell, Then I'm Lucky (2002)

Track List:
  1. Strange Television
  2. Waking Up Insane
  3. Song With No Name
  4. Graves Beyond Windows
  5. Otherworldly Dreamer
  6. Like the Dead Would Laugh
  7. High Monster
  8. Heart of Green
  9. Barefoot in the Dark
  10. Theme

I know many of you here have a fondness for Acid Bath, and while they are becoming known moreso everywhere all the time, there is still a limited knowledge of Dax's post-Acid Bath works. Agents Of Oblivion were verging on the edge of a breakthrough, but quickly broke up before anything happened. Then Dax started Deadboy and the Elephantmen, which knowledge of seems to be even more obscure than the previous two bands. Somewhat continuing the progression of sound that occurred between Acid Bath and Agents of Oblivion, the dark themes are still in place, but the music itself has become more of a background ambience on this release, far removed from the original sounds of Acid Bath and taking cues from some lighter moments of Agents Of Oblivion, leaving the showcase to be Dax's incredible vocal performace.

Definitely for fans of Dax's vocals, but also recommended for the unique ambient-dark-folk-rock style.

Dax has sinced moved on from this album to a minimal acoustic folk approach on the recent deadboy album, "We Are Night Sky," and has plans to continue releases with this new style, marking this album as a classic anomaly in his catalog which won't be repeated, and undoubtedly never outdone.
This is excellent. At least 8.5/10 . . . probably better if I had the whole album. I think I'll hunt this down.

Oh . . . and that was an excellent recommendation write-up. Everybody needs something more like that.
unfortunately I have no idea if this album is still available for order anywhere, it never even appears on ebay that I've been able to find, but I've heard a rumor that Dax will be releasing the out of print Deadboy stuff at some point this year.
Yeah, that was a well-written recc post.

Dax is probably my favorite vocalist of all time and this is his greatest performance of his career imho. He fucking wails and tears your heart out with this release. FUCKING STELLAR, FUCK ING STEL LAR...HIGHLY recommended. This is music you can actually feel.

"We Are The Nightsky" took some time to grow on me but I am appreciating it a lot more lately than I was a month or so back. Nowhere near this near masterpiece though...but different altogether as Chromie said.
Not really my cuppa, but I didn't dislike this with a passion. It's OK, but not really something I'll listen to again. Street kredz for the well-written recommendation posts, though!
The music has all the rust and the sludginess I need while keeping a nice "rocK" feel and a shroud of contemplative acoustics. The use of violins is a big plus. The vocals are a bad turn-off, but I'll definitely try to work around those because the music cries for serious attention.
Erik said:
you mean as if dax riggs isnt fukin awesome at screaming his lungs out

huh? You mean, I say it as if? Pfft, heellll noooo...Dax Riggs can scream with the best of em as well. He's the fucking man...period.

Edit: His clean vox are shiver inducing though.
Ellestin said:
He sure sounds like he's riding a camel on a skating rink. The music can barely get better though. How does Acid Bath compare to this stuff?

Acid Bath are there own unique entity. Take what your listening to now and throw in extreme metal, tremendous lyrics, you name it. Hard to describe. I can upload when I get home. Acid Bath are in my top 10 bands of all-time. The song, Jezebel, makes me wanna rip someone s fucking throat out everytime I hear it, especially toward the end. Godman that song gets me pumped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am really digging the whirlwind vocals ... although not sure I can handle a full cd of it ...
definitelly unique ...