post pics of your pets..

tut wow im sorry that you went through so much it sucks to loose something or someone u love.... i lost a dog and it REALLY sucked I was only like 11 and i cryed for like 3 days :-(
bodomite said:
tut wow im sorry that you went through so much it sucks to loose something or someone u love.... i lost a dog and it REALLY sucked I was only like 11 and i cryed for like 3 days :-(
oh man...dont remember me...I saw when my cat was killed in front of me by a that was damn sad :( :waah:
And I miss my dog, too...he was also killed by car...:waah:
Extendar said:
We had three cats, but in 2001 they had to be put to sleep 'cos my little sister got allergic. The oldest one was like almost 14 years, goddammit. I would've liked to see how long he would've lived... :(

Anyways, I don't have a photo of them on my cpu, and too lazy to scan. Oh, and my little sister is now moving out, so I thought about getting a new cat. Hmm.. Should I?

And why the fuck do you had to kill them??? :mad: :mad: I'll never understand this...why didnt you give them to friends or smthing...fuck...

@eef: dont hurt him, hm? so what was that video I saw? :p not letting him outta the house, pffff :cool:

@Yanko: *hugs* come, pet my dog, it'll make you feel better ;)

@Janina: aww, that pic makes me remember of my other cat...I had a little one beside the current black queen. But she fell off from the balcony (we are on the 8th floor)...:cry: I cried for one week inconsolably...:cry:

@Lasse: They are still cute, but why dont you never show a pic of your pirate parrot? :lol: She's so kewl :)

@Rappio: oww, how old is she? looks very mature ;)
bodomite said:
@ Janina: The small grey one is soooooooooo cute! :)

Yeah, she looks cute, but the way she acts... :bah: She doesn't even let me go to sleep, it's getting quite irritating after a few months.

I would love to have a lot of different kinds of pets, but unfortunately we don't have enough room for them :(

@yetti, we had a cat which looked exactly like yours :)
My lil' dear, Romeo ;)



And my other cutie, Baggio, the tr00 blacker cat :D
(sowwy for the huge pix)
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Hearse said:
@Zsuzsa: I just didnt have any pics of Popey online and was too lazy to upload :p
I should take one "Arrrr matey!" pic with Popey :lol:

Romeo is such a beauty :)

Owww, move your lazy ass then, she's too cute to be letf hidden :Spin:

Thx, on Romeo's behalf :p