post reviews of the tour!!!

yeah, i didnt see many/any reviews for the short tour in may/june. :( wow, theyre on the road now, probably in France as i type, and soon, yes soon, i will be experiencing the meaning of life :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
Yes, they're certainly in France, I just can't realize they're in my country and I'll see them tomorrow...I couldn't sleep last night because I was thinking about that. But wednesday will be a hard day, since it will be over, and that makes me afraid...
Originally posted by forlorn soul
Yeah and send any pictures you take to me..

i took about 20 pictures from the gig with a very bad camera ...
i have to finish the "film" (sorry i don't have the vocabulary) saturday in a gig from a local band ...

I have no scanner to digitize photos (if this sentence means nothing, it's because i translated what i wanted to say with altavista :p)
Originally posted by metalf

I'm looking for pictures from the show in Paris 2001.
Very good show, good sound, good musicians.
KATATONIA is a powefull band.

If you have pictures from the show please tell it to me at:


wasn't it with you that i wanted to trade bootlegs, a month ago ?
but you suddenly stopped to answer my mails :confused:
Hi aegis,

Yes, it's me but I told you in my last mail that I was very very busy at this moment and to wait some weeks.
I'm sorry for this long delay but i started to record cd for you.

Anyway, please let me one week more and i will send you a mail.

Hope you will understand, THX