I was yesterday at Tampere and as far that I can remember, it was a kick-ass show. It was actually my first CoB gig ever (except one festival-thingy like thousand years ago) and all in all, it was a perfection.
First, I met Henkka before the show in the parking-lot and then I managed to get almost to the frontrow! So, it was a great night.
I took many pics and I will post them, sooner or later. The pics are taken with my shitty-Kodak, but couple of them are pretty good, so... yeah. I'll get to it later.
Now, I'm kinda hungover and tired, but I'm sure that the guys are too... Alexi held that Jack bottle in his hand almost as much, as he held his guitar! And yeah, he enjoyed also his "Lapin Kulta" -beer very much. And at one point, Janne had a big Andrew W.K. flag on the stage... Or at least I think it was Andrew W.K.-flag, correct me, if I'm wrong. I was drunk.

My respects goes to Jaska, who played like a maniac, concidering his health-problems. He smiled a lot, but I think that was a drug-related side-effect... And the drum-solo was amazing!:hotjump: