Post some classic reviews

Demonspell said:
This great work. "Encore" it my favorite disc. I listen to it's from childhood and I think it behind fairest in discography Tangerine. Essence of music of group fine.It does not harm, that melody Ricochet and Rubycon it change . Guitar perfectly sounds with integrity. It's GREAT!

Babelfished from some Third-World dialect, obviously.

Arcturus - The Sham Mirrors

"Terrible release. Typical. Every cliche in the book. Bad melodies, if you can call them that. I wish someone would tell Garm that he cannot sing.
I loved Masquerade. This album should not even bear the Arcturus name. Thank you."

"I haven't come across an album I disliked this much in a long time. This band is an experimental group comprised of members from Mayhem and I think also Ulver. Either way this is garbage and I encourage you all not to buy this. Let me tell you why I hate this album so, so much though.

Let's start with the music. There is one cool musical moment on this entire CD, and that's the great solo on the song Nightmare Heaven. Other then that there is nothing. There's absolutely annoying parts like in the end of the above song I mention. Then there's the song Star-Crossed that has an intro that sounds like circus music. I'm not kidding you; I thought I was at a carnival there for a bit. Other times there are piano parts on the CD that sound like elevator music. It's absolutely disgusting. Then we come to the singer. Every time he opened his mouth I wanted to shoot myself. He has one of the most annoying voices I've ever heard. He sounds like a whiny little bitch. The only reason this album didn't get a zero overall score is because it got half a point for that good solo in the second track, and a half point because Ishahn (ex-Emperor, for those of you that live in a cave) sings on the sixth song, Radical, which by the way is the only song, possibly worth listening to on this decrepit piece of crap. This album makes me angry just thinking about it.

Its sound is like a horrible industrial band. The production is like a slightly above average Industrial album. The lyrics are at times thought provoking, and at others just don't make any sense at all. Like where the lead singer says he won't spill blood for the "Vampire Fools."

This album makes me want to vomit in disgust. Stay as far away from it as possible. Instead check out my review on the great new album from Impaled! That album is killer; this album is crap. Sham Mirrors my ass, horrible . . . just plain horrible. . . " Ryan Plunkett,

Another lost in translation Progarchives review (of Fantomas - Suspended animation:)

CD completely bizarre, very wild, nothing has linking with nothing, is a very crazy chunk, of pra not to practically understand nothing, few melodies and much doidêra. Good record only pra who wants to "zuar", but if you want to tan a good music, nor try to hear. He does not give nor "to beat right head". He only listens to kill the curiosity, is wild, crazy, maluco, it are of control. Patton, only sings there for 10ª band, and exactly thus, they are one 30 seconds only. This obtains to surpass Hendrix and Frank Zappa in madness even though! Completely insane!