Post that one special song you wrote


Dec 25, 2009
For the backing story to this thread, go read pg 13:

So as the title says, post songs that you have written that you feel like you could not live without. The song that no matter what others think about them, you love them no matter what. That one song of yours that is truly special to you. Doesn't matter if the recording is shit, be proud of it because it's a song that you wrote and that you love, and no one can take that away from you (ha, cheesy :loco: )

here are mine:
This is something from my new band, just balls awesome to me Master 8.mp3

This is the one of the songs that I wrote for my first generic "metalcore" band. However, this is the only song that I can listen to anymore from that band. Something about it is just awesome. The intro, the chorus, the verses, and the epic buildup and double harmony taps. PRobably the first song I wrote where every riff had a purpose and the song sounded professional and well thought out, not just mindless breakdowns/2 steps/metal riffs. 2.mp3
This is a solo I recorded for a competition at the official Megadeth forums (I don't post there anymore) a while ago. The tone sucks, the bends are off but I still really like it and stand by it as the best solo I've ever written.

I didn't come up with the backing track though, I would love to get my hands on it again so I can re-record this properly. Oh wells.
My punk band (now defunk) was writing this punk rawk epic masterpiece called "I'll Procrastinate Tomorrow".

Still haven't finished it yet.

True story.
Holy fuck gareth that was amazing. I enjoyed every solid minute of it.
p.s that bass feedback dropped out for a sec and i literally got light headed and felt the world fall from under me that shit was intense!

(will post my songs when I get a chance)
This was done some few years ago for my football team, using samples from the original anthem and gang vocals recorded with a mobile on the stadium.

I was invited by the club to a cocktail as many other artists and players... 40.000 copies were sold as present in an important newspaper.
The song can be heared in many radiostations, TV programs about football and also gave me money as copyrights.

glad you enjoyed the track man. and yeah, the biggest complaint about the track when i posted it was the neverending bass drone, but when it eventually drops out, you miss it like nothing else. kian's a masterful bass and guitar player \m/
glad you enjoyed the track man. and yeah, the biggest complaint about the track when i posted it was the neverending bass drone, but when it eventually drops out, you miss it like nothing else. kian's a masterful bass and guitar player m/

yeah i was starting to think "wow, how long is this bass note gonna last?" but fuck it works soooo well. perfect for a relaxing, cold afternoon. next time warn me if your gonna make my day.:)
This was done some few years ago for my football team, using samples from the original anthem and gang vocals recorded with a mobile on the stadium.

I was invited by the club to a cocktail as many other artists and players... 40.000 copies were sold as present in an important newspaper.
The song can be heared in many radiostations, TV programs about football and also gave me money as copyrights.

#youtube vid#

Jevil, that song was great :kickass:

I wrote this song almost 3 years ago, but it is still my favourite.
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^^ I'm probably one of the few that actually remembers you posting this back then. :) Though I think "Majestic" would have to be my favorite song of yours.

Mine...was posted here a while back: "Changes" With Johnny Lokke supplying vocals and lyrics, and Marcus Hedwig taking the second 1/2 of the guitar solo. I've got a lot more stuff than this, and more stuff coming up (if I could ever get some vocals), but I just really like the way everything came together on this song.
^^ I'm probably one of the few that actually remembers you posting this back then. :) Though I think "Majestic" would have to be my favorite song of yours.

Mine...was posted here a while back: "Changes" With Johnny Lokke supplying vocals and lyrics, and Marcus Hedwig taking the second 1/2 of the guitar solo. I've got a lot more stuff than this, and more stuff coming up (if I could ever get some vocals), but I just really like the way everything came together on this song.

Thanks :)

I really like that Changes song. Great singer!
Still recording mine, have been for 3 years actually--its a very long song based on Lucifers fall--deals with all the time leading up to his disagreement with God, his war, and eventual fall from grace. So far I have 43 minutes recorded