Post your Artwork Dedicated to Nevermore*


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
I thought of this one while listening to The Seven Tongues of God...Its mostly watercolor pencil and graphite on grey paper, and I was using several band photos as references (mainly for shadowing)..wheee!

I'll do a few more for the other guys-probably in oils next time

-Nevermore kicks high holy arse! :headbang:
I did a pen and ink of WD, and it's utter shit.

I've doen some other artists...but that's not what the thread is about! Maybe I'll post one of those.
Bacchante that is very cool! Nice work.

I need a good photo of Van, I think he's got an interesting face.
Maharet said:
Warrel used to look like a stick figure in the old days..
anyway i am gonna draw another, better warrel picture soon...
Cause you all know I can't help but be mean...... Can someone tell me when WD was a stick figure???? I know the boy diets like a freak, some people (like myself) have to starve to maintain an average weight.

This was a photo i snapped backstage at a Sanctuary gig in 1990. :loco:


When WD gets his computer back up i'm gonna have to go into hiding. Ahahahah.