Post your Artwork Dedicated to Nevermore*

Those are beautiful, dead_fetus!!
I especially like the one with the hand and butterfly

oh, and thanks for the compliments, everyone!
This is the only forum I would even dare posting pictures on :)
Thank you everyone! I am glad you like the images. I think this is actually the first time I've ever posted them here (I made them about 3 years ago or so).

Feel free to save them, I don't mind. Just make sure you ask my permission before you print or publish them anywhere :)

I've actually thought about making images for the rest of the songs in the album. Maybe when/if I get really bored at home, I will.

Thanks again!
ms. anthrope said:
he prolly knows about it already.
I sorta hinted to see if he'd seen these yet... obviously he hadn't cause he was being nice all weekend. WD ...nice?!?!?! Well, nice for him. The video shoot was killer. Hope fully I'll have photos up later.
Worthless said:
Hahahaha. Nice touch with the drool.
Thanks, now I have to clean the soda off of my keyboard and monitor.