Post your Artwork (OT)


heartbeat of the earth
May 26, 2007
Doylestown, PA
i figure there may be some other artists on the forum that would want to share there art like i do. but if not, at least i got to post this!

what are your thoughts? i think it would make a badass album cover.
It's absolutely killer, but a bit claustrophobic... i think it'd be cool in a wider hallway... i'd also like to see why the dude is raising his arms. It looks like the walkway ends in front of him... what's down there?
thanks so much for your support! you guys are the best. it's hard to find someone with a taste for this type of artwork outside the metal community. in fact, most people i have showed this to haven't really cared at all.

to answer questions:

-nothing is significant about 7:00, but i want people to think there is:lol:
-it took about 3-4 days. maybe 4 or 5 hours per day. maybe a bit more.
-the original idea was to have a wooden book stand in front of him with a book on it. so to answer your question, his arms were originally raised to look like he is chanting a spell. (a bit cliche, but whatever)
-the original paper copy shows a bit farther down. the walkway does't end, it is just a step. which is kindof also the reason it looks claustrophobic. it is supposed to feel like you could happen upon this scene at any time at any place. maybe you would find it walking through a sewer, maybe upon openning your closet door, wherever.

anyone else have some art they could put up? i don't want this to just be a ME showcase.
the outline is done off screen shots, all the detail is done on my own time away from the computer. I've done so many masterchiefs I could probably do it on my own though :)

If you look around you'll find them on the net, at the same time you will see I made some additions!
My younger brother made it. He doesn't study a lot about the concepts and the band (I'll make sure he does :@). Post your honest considerations about it :) Its called 'The Witching Hour'

My 2 cents, meant as constructive criticism. I think the concept is awesome, execution is almost there. I think the CG is a bit outdated... it reminds me of Maiden's "Dance of Death" cover which should have been better.

Overall, awesome idea, and with a bit of work it could be ridiculously badass!! Also, note that I am not an artist in the visual sense. Cheers!